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About whoosh

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    NE IL

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  1. NWS explains it all ..... you can tell them this truth, and take the heat off you.
  2. which with all appreciation and gratitude I as a close NWS/LOT watcher, was yesterday delighted to see the office publish a Story tab about this event, and noted that it was removed today. .... though checking at this moment before posting I see that it has returned. Short of that lapse, LOT has had excellent messaging about this. Thank you all. At the same time, I have close friends who just don't monitor weather at all; they just deal with whatever happens; it gives them stories to tell.
  3. There has already been messaging. Hoisting has a specific protocol.
  4. I'll take this opportunity to aver how much I appreciated this voice in the community. It was sad to see him drop out. A quick search for him just now, long after his departure, reveals that the domain has expired (and been grabbed by a domain grabber). I know he was controversial; but I learned quite a lot from him, and still miss him. (hence the search).
  5. As a lower Lake Michigan denizen, looking at the winds and waters the next couple of days, wondering if others are thinking or talking about the seiche potential. @RCNYILWX here .... Skilling elsewhere .... others? I documented and rough analyzed some seiche data from 2004 <https://tgeo.com/seiche_4521/> .... of course the public data sites have changed since then. Here's what monitoring potential I have for now: https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/ofs/lmhofs/lmhofs.html https://www.weather.gov/greatlakes/ wind/waves only (double click for forecast point) https://www.weather.gov/lot/marine https://www.lre.usace.army.mil/Missions/Great-Lakes-Information/
  6. That's nice! .... Down here in the band it's way breezier than it looks up there.
  7. Yeah. Since snowpack and cold temps are mutually reinforcing, the next several weeks will be yearning for sunshine.
  8. Worked out fine up here in N.Cook I've been shoveling every couple hours. Drier than I was anticipating/(fearing?). Windy. No viable measurements available. Forecast details aren't as important as the well presented lead-time "heads-up" messaging which also well stated the uncertainties.
  9. To the discussion on radar sites, I get a lot of mileage out of https://www.aviationweather.gov/gfa , COD and MRMS already mentioned; also weathernerds.org for site based. And of course wX on Android (for the Mosaic, set AWC images in the UI settings)
  10. Very appreciative of all your contributions, Rick, here and from the office. I'll be resting the day in prep for some long hours shoveling the wet stuff until I exhaust the beer and energy supplies, targeting midnight. It's been a few years since I've partied this hard. Drier event would be welcome tradeoff for higher totals. Will monitor obs for trends.
  11. Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS) was one of the first organizations to provide anti-spam support by maintaining a DNSBL. They provided five blocklists, categorizing why an address or an IP black is listed. MAPS was acquired by Trend Micro, Inc. in June 2005.
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