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Posts posted by clskinsfan

  1. 4 minutes ago, Cobalt said:

    Oh yeah? So like December 2009? Wonder if we have anyone in this forum who can recall that storm

    Haha. he got his ass handed to him on that storm. Among a few others. But overall DT knows winter storms.

  2. 2 minutes ago, WxWatcher007 said:

    Not quite on the list because I do drink, but it’s not much at all if it’s not football season.

    This is kind of me as well. Speaking of football I cant beleive I am watching butt fumble Sanchez run my beloved Skins offense. 

    • Like 2
  3. 43 minutes ago, Witness Protection Program said:

    What's the best comparison hurricane for Mike? (Other than the obvious Sandy, pre-Sandy, post-Sandy, Sandy V, and Sandy.) 

    Was this as tight as Charley for the truly brutal winds?  That was my first impression, but I haven't got the chance to read through the threads and am basically a hurricane idiot.

    Camille? Camille was probably more intense. But we will have to see what happens with the post storm research for Michael.

  4. An interesting breakout would be the people that were actually around for 79/83 and forward.  I've only been here for the 09/10 storms so Feb 5/6 got my vote, but I would have loved to see how '96 compared.


    I was here for all of them. It is amazing the differences that occur in accumulations in our subforum. 79 was not a huge event west. But east got slammed. 2003 I got absolutely mauled while east was a nice storm. 96. Just crushed all of us as well as 2010. But the second 2010 event was huge east and north of me. trix got like 10+ more inches than me just 10 miles to my north from the second event. It is a wild area that we live in when it comes to snow.

  5. SatelliteNE.jpg

    I "only" got 26 inches with the superstorm. We got dry slotted for a bit of the storm. It is still in my top 3 because of the wind and drifting. It definitely deserves to be in my top three weather events of all time. I was tempted to swap the 10 and 79 storms. The third highest snow total I have ever recorded was with the 2010 storm. But I was 10 in 1979. That is the storm that has forever hooked me on Noreasters. Good picture of the dry slot from the superstorm.

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