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Everything posted by Hazey

  1. Great to see everyone got an amazing show. Totally worth whatever travel woes you encountered. Here is a shot from my vantage in Richibucto NB. Solid 3mins totality.
  2. Heading to Richibucto, New Brunswick for this one. Looking like it might be the best seat in the house. Just a few clouds forecast. Length of totality is 3min 6sec. It’s a three hour drive away(normal traffic). Expected to be much longer but it will be worth it for a once in a life time experience. As Carly Simon sang, hop in your leer jet and head to Nova Scotia or in this case New Brunswick. Best of luck to all those trying to get a view.
  3. Congrats guys. Gotta love it when a couple of post winter rouge storms bring your seasonal totals up from epic disaster level to just somewhat crappy. Perhaps a May or June storm will get you to normal...lol
  4. It’s early but a decent look for the Northeast
  5. Looks like a small window post 240hr on the euro as boundary layer sinks south and that secondary low moves up the coast but generally a mild look overall.
  6. Great winter for Leo and I. No complaints from this region. Started slow. December was crap. Whiffed on the big storms in January and was bare ground until the last week of the month, then gang busters. 52" between Jan 24th - Feb 24th. Have had a two foot snowpack for several weeks. I am just shy of normal of 72". Light years better than last winter here. Even in decent patterns, there are winners and losers'. No guarantees.
  7. Are these twitter people real or just cosplaying as Meteorologists. Place is proliferated with people trying to dupe you into believing they know what they are talking about. Shit social.
  8. Yup. Spidey senses tell me to have caution flags ready on the tarmac for this supposed warm up.
  9. 12” (30cms) and still going. Snow Intensity has slowed as the death band is south of me now. Winds have picked up. Lots of blowing and drifting out there. Impressive positive bust.
  10. Late to the party but arriving in style. Snow started 3hrs ago and 5” down and snowing like the videos of the Cape. Great snow growth and ratios. Being under the death band doesn’t hurt either. Gonna blow past the forecast of half a foot.
  11. Yeah that’s starting to gain some traction. We watch.
  12. That euro run is a beast. Sub 970 at 72hrs. Weird that the Icon and euro have been most aggressive and pretty steady. Odd combo if it comes to fruition. Looks great for you guys. Especially for the have nots so far.
  13. Blend the models for now. Track still looks good. Everyone still in the game. Too far in the distance to be micro analyzing every model, every run.
  14. Man if that GFS run has any clue, we 2015 up here!!
  15. Sydney had a 100+cm dump in the 90's. So rare but not unheard of. Moncton, NB had like 150cms back in 92 i believe. CC might have juiced it a bit but they happened in the past.
  16. 55cm (22”) final at my place. YHZ reporting 84cms(33”) but that might be suspect as it seems high. Cape Breton sold 2-4ft reports with a few 5vers thrown in. Incredible storm and one that will be long remembered in the Maritimes. Not bad for some rogue Baffin Island s/w.
  17. Still going here. I’m just around 50cms (20”). And I got fringed…lol. Serious matter in Cape Breton though. That is a shit ton of snow there.
  18. Maritime storm update. Snowfall in my place is 15” (38cms) and still snowing. Probably will get a 20 spot out of this. Cape Breton destroyed. It’s Sydney’s White Juan. 2-3ft down and 1-2ft to go. This will be a generational storm for eastern parts of NS. Chase worthy. I was curious what would happen if an atmospheric river set up in winter. Now I know. Pic from Cape Breton with lots to go. Wild.
  19. St. Valentine's day massacre on the gfs. Still looks good in long range.
  20. This is what it matures to Nova Scotia juggernaut. Cms but 181 max?…lol.
  21. This exotic pattern were in that was talked about last week is going to produce in the Maritimes. Hefty snow amounts coming out on the models. Long duration possibly Fri to Mon deal. My hood looking like 4-8 but Cape Breton looks to get crushed. Snow for days. Strong winds and snow totals in the 1-3ft range. Epic blizzard shaping up for them. Newfoundland should get in on this in a big way too. Still some uncertainty so see how it plays out. In centimetres.
  22. Pattern still looking good around valentine's day. Steady as she goes.
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