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Posts posted by Hazey

  1. 1 minute ago, OSUmetstud said:

    Hes in ns. He wont sniff 60s and 70s. I always find it funny when he and leo discuss weather as if they live in the mid atlantic.  

    Hell of a lot better than the rock. I was there for a visit and couldn't wait to get the hell out of there.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    In Newfoundland? You guys don’t get that warm much of the summer. That’s one brutal climate. That warm sector never will make it into SNE next week. We’ ll have a day or two of 50ish with sun and low dews to satisfy Tips sexually derived Nape fetish though. 

    If I lived in Newfoundland I'd be worried but I don't. I think that's more than 50's but we'll see

  3. Off topic but that’s an ominous storm heading into Columbus, SC right now. Hard to say what’s going on as the velocity couplet is almost directly over the radar right now. 

    Yup. Looks like they took it on the chin. Best to keep in the se thread.
  4. I love how all the pieces on the chessboard are moving around just perfectly to screw the northeast out of a snowstorm. Not an easy feat to accomplish especially for an entire winter. I tip my cap.

  5. I like the look of the 12z GFS actually. Fits the theme of the winter perfectly. Secondary develops over SNE then tracks through the gulf of Maine into New Brunswick. Just like most of the others have. Lock it up.

  6. If the early season outlooks by all the pro and amateur weenies had said this season will probably suck, it would be easier to take where we are now. Unfortunately that didn't happen. Instead we had everyone and their dog beating there chests and pushing above average snow for the masses (some like 200% above). When things looked shaky to start, instead of caution flags, the LR guys doubled down and said it was delayed not denied. Hopes are more deflated than they otherwise would be. Oh well, a rat was due so might as well get it over with.

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