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Everything posted by Hazey

  1. Heh. Looks like snow to rain here as the low starts sucking in marine exhaust. Could be a good blow either way. We track. #NovaScotiaStrong
  2. We Reggie. Gets this right and it might have to hoisted onto our shoulders again. #NovaScotiaStrong
  3. We need some cold air badly. Even with this blocked up flow we’re recycling garbage air mass. That ain’t gonna do it. Get this -nao (or whatever the heck it is) outta here. Voodoo. #NovaScotiaStrong
  4. get those roofs raked...for those that have feet on them.
  5. Jeez we might get into the 50's or 60's on Christmas day in the warm sector. If the snow is all melted, i'm going to fire up the grill, maybe have friends over for outdoor activities like washer toss. Make something out of nothing.
  6. 7” here. Lower than forecast but meaty snow. Storm was gassed. Nothing left in the tank. Nice to see snow otg but doubt it will make it till Christmas. #NovaScotiaStrong
  7. The Euro isn't far behind. It's amazing in a sea of cool and stormy, there still is that window to torch exactly at Christmas(24-26). It won't be denied I guess.
  8. Didn’t see the gem 18z posted. Looks tucked like his kid brother Reggie. Would love to see that happen. #NovaScotiaStrong
  9. I’m almost as excited about the model war brewing as I am the storm...lol. #NovaScotiaStrong
  10. Woah. The gfs is a one two punch for here. I’m ready to get my nose bloody. Let’s do this. #NovaScotiaStrong
  11. 12z euro...we take. #NovaScotiaStrong
  12. Goofus trying for a festive miracle this run. How we pray.
  13. This lack of cold air is really going to hurt. We need an artic dump to shake things up.
  14. Damn that storm on Tuesday is tantalizing close for Leo and I. Just need to nudge that a bit west. Long shot but still a bit of time for a favourable correction. #NovaScotiaStrong
  15. That system is poised to drop a hefty amount of snow through central eastern Quebec and especially Labrador. Upwards of 24+” possible in Goose Bay. Doesn’t mean much to us but it is nice to see good snow pack coming down from the source region. Laying the framework. #NovaScotiaStrong
  16. Would love to be in Stewart BC for the next 2 weeks. Epic. #NovaScotiaStrong
  17. Times are a changin’ me thinks. Transient maybe but better look ahead. I like what I am seeing. #NovaScotiaStrong
  18. Yeah I’m liking middle next week for some snow in the air and maybe on the ground if things break right. Time after that looks tasty as well. Definitely more November like weather. #NovaScotiaStrong
  19. Might be a couple of snow chances when that deep trough sets up over the northeast. I could see a s/w or two try and round the base. Probably be just another small window like the last few days of Oct first few of Nov was, but it might produce. Spidey senses tingling a bit. #NovaScotiaStrong
  20. Heat made it into the maritimes. Many all time records set today. Low to mid 70’s. Made it to 70 at my place. Gotta say it felt great. #NovaScotiaStrong
  21. I’m thinking around the third week of November will have some promise. Until then, seems warm to a slow cool down.
  22. 4” final. Forecast was for 1-2. Nice overperformer.
  23. Late to the party but finally got my first measurable snowfall of the season. About and 1” so far. Still nice to see. After this it’s tank-tops and irocs for a while it seems #NovaScotiaStrong
  24. That would be an unreal setup for a lot of folks. It’s bs but fun to look at for its extreme solution. #NovaScotiaStrong
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