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About BlackCat

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  1. 6 or 7 flakes of flurries in Pasadena.
  2. My brave second post - I would like to understand the dynamics a bit better myself. I get the surface low does NOT dictate frozen precipitation. I try to follow along with the "mets" discussing warm meso's and such, but I would really like this storm broken down in layman's terms. I am a long time lurker and I rarely post, but I enjoy following the winter storms! Thanks
  3. Light drizzle here in Arnold. Temp = 32 ; Dew Point = 31. I want the tuck to happen, so we can cash in on some flakes. It's a winter wonderland out there, but would be much better with fat flakes falling.
  4. My first post here! Hello from Annapolis - I just put up the last of the bird feeders and it started lightly snowing here. I have been lurking in this forum for well over 5 years, but I have never joined or posted. I love to follow winter storms and this forum is the only place I really trust to get my forecasts (including the great meteorologists here). I hope everyone gets some snow action tonight and tomorrow. Cheers, BC
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