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Everything posted by Steve25

  1. Does the euro show any accumulation? Or is it just a complete miss?
  2. How much snow did you get today?
  3. Is there a link to official spotter measurements around the area so far?
  4. And immediately after sending that, it starts LOL
  5. Went out for a walk around 12:25 in Parkville because people not far west of here were reporting flurries. It has been nearly 1.5 hours, and as far as I've seen, the only flake out here, is me
  6. I might actually feel sympathy for NYC if next weekend went something like this, after this current one as well lol
  7. Seriously! I don't want to get ahead of myself, but honestly, we're DUE. Winter was going to unleash its fury on us at some point or another after these past 9 years we've endured
  8. My dad asking me exactly how much to expect in Baltimore "Well..."
  9. I'm in Parkville, just barely north of Baltimore City, and my bar is 6 inches. I'd be very happy. 8+ would be thrilling!
  10. The short range models are giving Baltimore a lot of love. Are they probably out of their most accurate forecast range? Yes. Am I still going to cling to them? Yes.
  11. I was thinking 6-8 for Baltimore was a good, safe call. Starting to think 4-6 is better. No more south movement please
  12. It doesn't have big dog potential at all, or just the way its being depicted on the models right now?
  13. I have not seen a single 6+ inch snowfall here in Baltimore since that storm. I almost have forgotten what it's like!
  14. I'm more here to learn than anything else, and I know there was some talk not too long ago that the pattern coming up around the second week of January could be one of those "too cold to snow" setups, and to my untrained eye, I feel like we've lost that look. Like, it'll still be plenty cold next in the weeks ahead, but all those drastically cold temperature outputs that were being shown have kind of backed off, no?
  15. I think this would belong in the banter thread, correct me if I'm wrong. I just wanted to express this. I have such a respect for people in the meteorology field who don't allow their biases to ruin the integrity of their analysis/forecasting. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being in this field and having a bias, we're all human. There's also nothing wrong with expressing your bias to your audience. There needs to be a line that isn't crossed when you start providing the people with pattern information, though. You need to be able to say, "Although I'd like to see..., realistically this is what we're dealing with." No meteorologist is ever going to be 100% accurate. It's just not the way things are meant to be. There are too many variables and moving parts. Some of these people out there on social media make this profession look a lot worse than it should be, and it's mainly because they allow their bias to bleed all over the information they put out to the public. They pick out model solutions that better suit what they are rooting for and plaster it out there, even when they know it's not the most likely result. When you have a significant following, I believe you have a responsibility. You know EXACTLY the types I'm referring to.
  16. The last time I recall a stretch of sub-freezing temps for 10+ days was back in the end of 2017 into 2018. I want to say it was like 11 consecutive days. I did a lot of hikes during that stretch.
  17. Man, where do yall find the official spotter accumulation report from the NWS?
  18. Just north of Baltimore City. Snow is coming down nicely. I don't know what the temperature is, I honestly don't care. Going to go for a walk and enjoy it
  19. Yes, you're right. This storm is debatable, but I think there's a solid case for the 3+, especially considering there's a WSW. I'm absolutely not calling myself a winner. I feel like I more lucked out with this one. Well hey, I hope you are able to enjoy whatever we do get tonight. Hard to think there is too many punches left for winter to throw.
  20. I know there were people mentioning thundersnow possible in some of the heaviest rates the other day, is that still in the cards?
  21. Should we call this a draw? We got to the 15th, and there are things to track within 6 days that have legitimate 3 inch potential for BWI, so by technicality I'd win the bet. Honestly, though, the pattern is NOT what it was being hyped up to be over the past few weeks, which was your reasoning behind making the bet. I'm willing to void it. How do you feel?
  22. Just north of Baltimore. Thinking I'll go to bed early and wake up around 3 AM to walk. Or will that be too late? What do you think will be the best time to get out there and enjoy it?
  23. I think at least part of it is emotionally driven. Plenty of people, myself included, don't want to believe our winter climate has substantially changed and with it comes noticeably less snow and more mild air. To accept that would be to accept that, on a grand scale, those of us who are on the younger side have a lot less to look forward to the rest of our lives when it comes to winter weather. That's a hard pill to swallow. I'm kind of split on it all. I obviously believe our climate, like everyones, is changing. I just don't know if I believe it's changing that drastically, that quickly. I don't know if that's logical or if that's my emotions hoping it's not the case. One thing that's definitely true is that ever since this region started keeping statistical records, our winters go through some serious ebbs and flows. I still think it's possible that we're just in a very bad stretch, and we will naturally rebound, but I admit the longer things stay like this, the more I believe we've turned a corner with the change of climate. It's just a painful reality to face if that is inevitable.
  24. We will get a 10 inch storm in March that no one will remember because it'll be 75 degrees the next day lol
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