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Everything posted by Steve25

  1. I've noticed a bit of a trend this winter, that there have been some insane model results from 6-7 days away, people have gotten really hyped up, and then around day 5 the models tend to get a much more realistic grasp on things, then within 5 days the more fine details are worked out. It's taught me not to buy in to any solutions at all until the height of the storm is within 120 hours on the models. So, if the models are still on board for a decent snowstorm of any variety come tomorrow's 12z suite, I'll jump on the train. Until then, I wish you all the best. Hoping there's no crumble overnight.
  2. Right, but I'm not understanding why the radars aren't recognizing that. They have access to temperatures
  3. I've checked a few different radar sources that are showing snow in places it's definitely not snowing. Not completely understanding why that is though
  4. Curious how much moderate precipitation actually makes it north of Baltimore.
  5. 35 seems as high as it's going to get in Parkville. Dewpoint at 19.
  6. Having a night of memories. All these dud winters just reinforce the fact that we got THREE major snowstorms in the winter of 2009/2010 is just UNREAL! It gets talked about a lot in weather communities but still not enough. It absolutely kills me that I was a teenager when that happened and didn't appreciate it for the scope of what it was. I loved it, don't get me wrong. Was thrilled to be off school and all that crap. Compared to now though? I journal every weather events we get that's substantial in the slightest. I take pictures like crazy. I didn't even take pictures during or after that historic week in February. I left myself nothing to spark the memories. Sure, I can go online and find pictures and videos from around town but it's not the same as your own. You don't understand, or you guys probably do, how much I would have written about that if it happened just a few years later. That winter, but especially that week in February is something that this area will likely NEVER experience again, definitely not in my lifetime, unless the unprecedented happens. It's a one time shot at capturing it. It's honestly one of my biggest regrets of my life to this point. I know that sounds overdramatic, but it's the truth. I have people tell me, "Just go to somewhere that gets insane amounts of snow, then you can experience it." They don't understand. What made it so special and spectacular is that it happened in this area. The fact that it's something that will very likely never happen again. I'm thrilled I got the chance to live through that. I just wish I would've done more with it. How's that for banter?
  7. Did anyone in this forum get double digits snow totals? North and west folks? Curious where the jackpot zone was in this Mid Atlantic region.
  8. I can hear sleet pinging off my windows in northeast Baltimore City
  9. It's really really really nice to be tracking some kind of actual threat within a week in December.
  10. Anyone who says a Thanksgiving blizzard in a historically strong La Nina season isn't possible must have forgot that this is 2020, and literally anything psychotic can and will happen lmao
  11. I feel where you're coming from. I used to be like the guys in here. For a long time, I would've been seriously bummed out by a winter with the outlook 2020/2021 has. I realized there are so many things I love about winter. The chilly weather, the shorter days, the bare trees, much less bugs and the Christmas season. I spend so much time outdoors during the winter, it's amazing! I absolutely love extreme cold and big snows too, but I've gotten to a point where I don't need that to enjoy winter. Just the fact that it's winter makes me happy. I'm especially trying to soak in every day of this winter because next Summer is the Cicada outbreak and I'm going to be a f***ing mess.
  12. The good thing about having terrible expectations is that if anything remotely positive happens, it feels like a pleasant surprise. Overall though, I'm so glad I've changed. I used to get hung up on how cold and snowy the winter would be, and if it was looking like a bust, I'd be really disappointed. My hatred for Summer has changed that though. Any time of the year that's predominantly below 70 degrees is delightful to me, and I try to soak every day in. I love the bitter cold and snow and always will, but at this point it's icing on the cake of a season that I just adore. November-February(Sometimes October and March included)>>>>>>>>>>everything else!
  13. I am not anywhere close to as advanced in meteorology knowledge as some of you, but I do have some obscure stats. BWI has not had an 8+ inch snow total month(December through March) in 4 consecutive winters. BWI has NEVER went 5 consecutive winters doing that. BWI has went 5 consecutive winters with no double digit snow months twice. Never 6 consecutive. So we can tie that this winter.
  14. I've just been doing some little looks at things but it appears this winter will be entrenched in a La Nina pattern. From what I see in our history, we can still get cold weather during La Nina, but substantial snow is very hard to come by unless you just get the perfect ingredients, like in 93. Is that fairly accurate?
  15. So sick of all this talk about this snowless February being some stunning occurrence and signs that things have changed. At BWI, they have recorded 33 February's with less than an inch of total snow since records have been kept. Spread out all over the years. Including the most depressing period from 1949-1953 with 4 consecutive February's with less than an inch. Yes, it sucks, but it's part of the game in this region. It's not strange or unusual.
  16. Tell me I'm not the only person checking the models just hoping this Friday storm pulls a miracle move north haha. I feel like we've had storms ripped away from us at this range before, why not give us one back? I'll see myself out
  17. I personally love the cold and snow as much as anyone can, so yeah, winters like this are a bummer. With that said, I LOATHE Spring and Summer. So no matter how disappointing the Winter is, I still enjoy and appreciate it immensely. As soon as everything starts to blossom, bugs start swarming, and the humidity kicks back in, I'm going to miss the hell out of these 40 degree, rainy days! Also, to take my own advice, I am working hard to get my life to a place where I can move somewhere that lacks Summer, or at least is much more tolerable. If I could just find a place with brutal winters and Summers that top out at like 65 degrees, I'd be in heaven. I don't know if such a place exists with realistic living conditions.
  18. Not saying this in a hateful way, you should seriously think about trying to get your life to a position where you can move somewhere that provides a higher likelihood of snow on a yearly basis if snow legitimately is one of the only things that brings you joy. Life is not as long as we like to think it is. You should spend as much as you can in situations that you know will provide joy for yourself.
  19. It makes me nervous that no one else has posted about it lol
  20. Well were within 7 days, so I'm at least thankful for that. If we can survive to 5 days out with still a possibility, that'll be thrilling. I have my doubts, as I'm sure most of us do in this pattern.
  21. I'll be the voice of optimism. I'm just happy the odds seem to be increasing of seeing snow fall. It may be 40 degrees with no accumulation, but I'll enjoy what we can get lol
  22. I just saw a squirrel bury a nut, maybe that's a sign lol. Maybe it just thinks it's fall again because of these temps.
  23. Also yeah, I loathe the heat. Anything over 70 starts to get uncomfortable. Only place I can tolerate it is if I'm at the beach. It was like 60 yesterday and I was out in a t-shirt and felt incredible in the sun. If it's going to be cloudy I'd prefer closer to 70.
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