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Everything posted by deer

  1. First time logging on this winter. What have I missed (besides the obvious complete lack of snow)?
  2. Honestly I'm stating to get a bit confused about which wave is when
  3. We need to ban the word "trend" for storms 4+ days out
  4. I come back after a 3 week break to find people throwing in the towel and being upset over an op run at *checks notes* 8 days out? Good lord
  5. These kind of winters should be a good lesson in when to use the ignore button
  6. Probably over 1.5" here. Side streets continue to cave after plowing. Looks pretty
  7. Grass caving. Visibility has dropped a decent amount Edit: sidewalks have caved. Side roads already starting to go as well
  8. Flakes just started in Middletown. Harrisburg people should see them any minute now
  9. Still a virga fest in Middletown. Hopefully not too much longer
  10. Best of luck tomorrow everyone! First snow event up here for me
  11. Few members of the Pennsylvania forum are talking seriously about the RGEM. And I thought we were weenies lol
  12. I read through 30 pages of the last 3 days of long range tracking to find out it ain't gonna snow still. We are sick people
  13. I mean I know it's the Icon but we'd rather have it showing good things than not. Anything that shows support for a GFS-like solution is a win. Would rather not have it continue to be on an island
  14. Jackpot over my house. Very believeable
  15. Morning y'all, good to be back! Semester nearly over and I see a MECS will be welcoming me home for break. When should I start stocking up?
  16. I have a flight that morning too so naturally this one will pan out :/
  17. I'm really hoping this ice storm doesn't pan out. I gotta be on the road all afternoon on the 4th
  18. Idk why I'm even tracking this stupid storm anymore, I won't be here
  19. He's actually a high school student. Followed him for a few years. Smart dude
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