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Everything posted by deer

  1. I think I can see pixie dust out my window in Lake Ridge 31.5/22 Edit: oh yeah, stable -SN. Mulch caving
  2. I think that happened a few years ago. First radar I ever saw was intellicast's on my dad's computer. Good memories
  3. Goodnight everyone. I'll be up around 3-4am like the psycho I am. Watching the first flakes stick to the driveway is gonna be epic
  4. 30.5/22 Best of luck everyone. Stop looking at the models. Just enjoy it
  5. Jebman! I'll make sure to measure out at least 7 just for you, even if I have to slant my yardstick a bit
  6. Preach. The volatility over the last 2-3 days has been insane. My eyes hurt from looking at the computer. I just want to see the white stuff now
  7. 30/14 with a few clouds in Lake Ridge. Feels nice out
  8. We appreciate your sacrifice
  9. @Solution Man I applaud you for your dedication, you're the man! Hoping for an extra 25-50 mile shift SE before game time
  10. Now all we need is for him to show us it's moving towards a New England jackpot and we'll be golden come tomorrow night
  11. These swings are wild. Late yesterday seemed to spark panik, 12-18 today was pandamonium, 0z back to panik...
  12. I mean it doesn't seem like too much of an ask. One can hope
  13. I saw that, I was like yeah ok
  14. Personally I'm shocked that it's shifting north again
  15. Man I took a 2 hour break this afternoon and all of a sudden Bob is back. Good to see you man!
  16. cuz you're a weather weenie like the rest of us
  17. If someone would kindly send that RGEM deform band about 40 miles SW I'd appreciate it
  18. Obviously have to be careful with nam totals but I think that run could've been better and it wasn't done snowing
  19. I like this idea. The boom/bust percentages really seem to confuse things for me, let alone the general public
  20. Yes! Him attacking Jim in the sumo suit is epic
  21. Easily one of my favorite episodes. Stanley is a top tier character
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