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Everything posted by deer

  1. Picking up now. Biggest flakes I've seen since 4am yesterday
  2. Got some -SN again in lake ridge. Nice looking band inbound
  3. @BristowWx @Solution Man Odds of this approaching band holding together?
  4. Not 100% sure what all the terminology means but it sounds good so sign me up
  5. https://twitter.com/webberweather/status/1356309933629853696?s=20
  6. I'll gladly take one for the team, not like I contribute much here
  7. -SN picking up a bit. A few SN flakes mixed in. 31F
  8. Just went all snow as well. Radar looks like it's trying to fill in for us
  9. Snow mixing in with the sleet now in Lake Ridge 30.5F
  10. There's a decent band expanding just to my W/SW, hoping I can get under it. Currently a very light zr 30.5F
  11. Some combination of zr and sleet falling now in Lake Ridge 27.5F
  12. Just woke up and I have precip within 5 miles to my north, west, and south 27F and a bit breezy
  13. That was the last time I saw moderate sized flakes. Should've made that more clear. It's been very light all day
  14. Actual SN mixing in with the pingers now. Haven't seen this since 4am
  15. Getting a bit of sleet now in Lake Ridge 31F Around 2.5"
  16. I had 2" last time I measured, now I have 1.5"
  17. 28/27 Up to around 0.5" in Lake Ridge. Biggest total of the season already
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