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Everything posted by deer

  1. Must be something good. Am I dumb? 18z NAM comes out at 2:40pm, no?
  2. Yes, but let's wait for the new nam run in about an hour
  3. Wasn't directed at you. Sorry if there was confusion. Just a general thing
  4. You're good man. If people get upset when they don't get the most snow, so be it. You made a major life choice to capitalize on snow and it's working out for you. Anyone who feels the need to come after you about that might need to step away for a bit
  5. Dude is really on top of his meme game
  6. Here's 0z for comparison Edit: removed qpf image that included rain from last night
  7. In a heartbeat. Those pics from Bristow the other day were cool
  8. So what happens when it sleets?
  9. Rain gauge says 1.45" of rain overnight. Seems quite high? It was dumping pretty good so who knows
  10. That was my point exactly. It's not your job to monitor this place 24/7
  11. At least for me, i have nothing against the mods. You guys do a good job on this site and I appreciate all you do. It's more on individuals. The rules are set out on the first page on the thread and people need to follow them
  12. I woke up and scrolled through 3 pages. Almost 0 real model discussion. Lol
  13. Not sure about the lake affect snow, but you might need to calm down a bit lol
  14. There's a better chance of Valentine's Day occurring tomorrow than that map verifying... it's pretty tho. My bar remains at seeing snow that doesn't melt on contact
  15. LOL Could someone post the sleet and fzr maps? Thanks in advance
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