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Everything posted by deer

  1. 48/38 Lake Ridge @BristowWx First storm in a long time I've been optimistic about our chances for something nice
  2. Playing for 7th in my 12 person league. Season was pretty rough with my top 2 picks playing a combined 8 games . Best of luck to you today tho!
  3. Gotta work on my phrasing lol
  4. FV3 Hi-Res is also a significant improvement fwiw (not much)
  5. True This is better though right?
  6. I think this nam run is gonna be better
  7. Happy Hour GooFuS never fails
  8. Why would you wish this evil upon us
  9. Man if the NAM is correct it's gonna make most of the global and meso models look bad
  10. Going off the last few Winters, nobody should be excited til the snow is falling
  11. BWI: 21.1" DCA: 14.3" IAD: 19.5" RIC: 11" LYH: 15.6"
  12. Pretty fun band just passed me. Winds were going crazy and it was dumping snow/graupel for about 2 minutes
  13. Snow in Lake Ridge. 31.6/27
  14. 12/16 - 0.3" 12/18 - 0.2" 1/25 - 0.2" 1/31-2/2 - 4.75" 2/7 - 1.0" 2/10-11 - 0.1" sleet 2/13-14 - 0.2" ice 2/18 - 1.3" snow and sleet 2/19 - 0.25" Winter 2020-21 Total to Date: 8.3"
  15. Hey that's where I live
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