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Everything posted by deer

  1. @Snowchaser Considering this is TWCs forecast for me, I'd say it's as useful as the weather rock
  2. Ji talking people down from the ledge feels weird
  3. Man there are a lot of beautiful panels in there
  4. Could anyone explain what a KU storm is? Couldn't find anything on google
  5. Driveway caving! Eyeballing around an inch in Lake Ridge so far
  6. Parachute flakes in Lake Ridge. Cars topped
  7. Pixie dust has started to fall in Lake Ridge
  8. Oh definitely, just hoping to see some flakes tonight. Happy for those who missed out earlier this week tho
  9. Every time I see their "worst case scenario" I get confused
  10. 10 straight wins for the Pens and snow. Sweet
  11. Feels like we've said this for the last few winters now
  12. This looks almost perfect for a "everyone is happy" result
  13. Thank you for the good vibes today Jebman
  14. Crazy wind gusts just now, took visibility to near 0
  15. 10.25" in Lake Ridge First double digit storm since I became a weenie. Feels good 29/28
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