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Everything posted by deer

  1. It would be kinda funny if I get more from this than the previous storm
  2. Likely true, shouldn't affect travel much. But DMV drivers are crazy so who knows
  3. This is an interesting map. On one hand it's confusing and ugly
  4. Still around 100+ hours out, there shouldn't be any towel throwing yet lol
  5. Flakes began around 5 minutes ago here in Lake Ridge 24/11
  6. Good news about our ice storm is the next chance is already under 7 days
  7. Imagine if Sunday was our first trackable event of the winter this place would be on fire
  8. If you're gonna take the NAM seriously, at least use the 3km
  9. I loled for a minute straight. I think I have a problem
  10. Could you stay there til the end of January then? Asking for a friend
  11. I 100% expect this to be the usual PWC split. Haymarket gets 2x over Dale City and Woodbridge
  12. Agreed, the track seems wacky. Time will tell tho I guess
  13. I want @StormchaserChuck! to tell me with a straight face that he can read those charts
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