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Solution Man

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Everything posted by Solution Man

  1. That line of precip from Warrenton southeast to Woodbridge is expanding south to north. Band setting up
  2. Anyone in Woodbridge VA or vicinity reporting snow?
  3. Can u post when completed, thanks. I like pictures
  4. Washington, DC Area Applies to: Monday, January 6, 2025 Status: Office Closure Federal Offices in the Washington, DC area are Closed. Maximum Telework is in effect. Telework Employees are expected to work. Generally, telework employees may not receive weather and safety leave. Remote Workers are expected to work. Generally, remote workers may not receive weather and safety leave. Non-Telework Employees generally will be granted weather and safety leave for the number of hours they were scheduled to work. However, weather and safety leave will not be granted to employees who are on official travel outside of the duty station or on an Alternative Work Schedule (AWS) day off or other non-workday. Emergency Employees are expected to report to their worksite unless otherwise directed by their agencies. Employees on Preapproved Leave (paid or unpaid) or other paid time off generally should continue to be charged leave or other paid time off and should not receive weather and safety leave. (Posted on January 5, 2025 at 12:05 PM)
  5. Talk to your travel agent, you got the shaft this year
  6. 100% we will all cash in this year. Pulling for ya up there
  7. L The group may sometimes disagree, but we are in this together. LFG
  8. Concur, there are Top Notch Red Tagger Mets in here
  9. I like the way this is headed, even cold last night was under modeled. Lows were in lower teens in Nova
  10. Remember storm mode…….me, I, what about me, how much for me. Nobody wants to hear it.
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