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Solution Man

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Everything posted by Solution Man

  1. Would rather see it that way now whether than watch it erode run after run. We have been burnt so many times when we had a chance
  2. Ji, I already did, was skiing in Tahoe (Heavenly) over King Holiday. Plenty of snow there, we are relegated to driving or flying to see it.
  3. Yeah vastly different, like the MLK pic by the way....classy
  4. Correct Bristow, a good spot 5 days out. Best chance this year
  5. Getting real close, looks like Dr. No was on to something
  6. Yep, gonna be an active week tracking, GFS showing signs
  7. Bristow, let's hope for more than that, Dr No giving you 6 inches of snow is magical
  8. Dr No, maybe seeing a change of heart. I bet GFS joins party.
  9. I follow your analysis and look forward to it daily, thanks
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