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Solution Man

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Everything posted by Solution Man

  1. It has the right idea, trying to follow big brother
  2. Surprised DCA is at 5.6 the way they measure over there
  3. Question, what purpose is the para serving...I see it struggle consistently
  4. Throw the tape away if you’re an islander. Thought game was over after one period
  5. Caps took the Isles to wood shed in 2nd period
  6. Thanks, moved my tix from Sunday to Saturday morning...didn’t want to get stuck in Dallas
  7. Snow chase in full effect on my way to Manassas from K.C. Saturday morning
  8. Tops out at 32f then crashes after
  9. Great catch, you can see it from frame 81 to 84
  10. At 75 the low is south of K.C., I think we want it there
  11. Storm enters on the Pacific side as a powerhouse and will exit on the Atlantic side as a powerhouse, near same latitude
  12. Starting with next run for GFS as the Canadian is already beginning to switch camps
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