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Solution Man

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Everything posted by Solution Man

  1. I guess there is something to be said about deep in the heart of Texas
  2. Would like to see it, we way overperformed in the KC northland today. Still snowing moderately
  3. Well said white smoke up this way....just keeps coming
  4. Picked up around 3 today and still snowing moderately
  5. 12k has scored well again with this storm. The new long short ranger
  6. Ok for now, +SN -5F, we got an overperformer today
  7. Good luck down south guys. Looking at a wave of snow making a run at the KC area from the southwest, will be interesting
  8. Yeah we are 0F IN Platte City, partly cloudy skies, temps falling like a rock
  9. Beautiful deep winter day, looking for an over-performer tomorrow. Storm mode and weenie hallucinations now under way. Almost WSW criteria for us
  10. Nam in deadly range has begun...I am ok with KC area output...congrats OK and points south
  11. Seems like it’s trending towards GFS but a ways to go.
  12. Would say that is a fair assessment, although you could push the 10 inch range on high side
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