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Solution Man

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Everything posted by Solution Man

  1. Consensus now that the NAM is in the camp
  2. It’s better, NAM is gonna play
  3. I suspect the NAM will start to migrate towards the GFS camp
  4. No it won’t, not this time….it’s been so bullish
  5. Based on that….it will be snowing across the street from my house
  6. Perhaps for once the trend is our friend. Maybe a legit Brine Watch coming
  7. We all knew how this was going to end…we can’t catch a break
  8. We’ll it’s headed in the right direction. We have been burned or brined so many times.
  9. Liking the trend….let’s see if this can improve
  10. I’d say let’s do it, what have we had to track. GFS been pretty consistent with this event over the last few runs.
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