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Solution Man

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Everything posted by Solution Man

  1. It will change a million times, but incoming, she gone
  2. Me too, perhaps tomorrow or later tonight. I’ll be here
  3. One more kick to the nuts before it's over
  4. 06z GFS needs to move north about 75 miles.
  5. I came in here to track our rainstorm
  6. Bring on the sun and warm temps. Last week was the opportunity to cash in.
  7. At least we will find out, Pittsburgh won’t. You guys need to start over. I hope they do
  8. @BristowWx, I will move on after the 6-10 March timeframe as my new PXG clubs need breaking in. I will test drive them end of next week in FLA. @psuhoffmanthanks for your analysis during the winter. Reading and learning from you gives me a much better understanding of weather. Great Job brother!
  9. our winter for setting the table for snow was a B, but execution was a D-
  10. That's how we roll around here. I wish it was your username.
  11. I'm good to, but won't kick a MECS out of bed at this point.
  12. May I have one more punch in the face before spring Sir
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