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About Cuteirishgirl25

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  1. All this fake climate change caused by humans it’s just a power grab for world government. Michelle Gorbachev was the one that started the green movement look it up. It’s a fact green Cross international.
  2. This is a very Dynamic system, I think this is going to be stronger then the Models understand yet! https://x.com/chuckcallesto/status/1743771196661871064?s=46&t=Y3ICRnzOhtk67YmRQyZssQ
  3. Yes, it’s true. We are in a warm cycle when it comes to the weather especially the oceans and have been for quite some time. but the crap they’re trying to sell you on mainstream media that it’s the human race causing it’ are a bunch of liars. Still waiting for Al Gore to apologize to everyone when his predictions did not come true he said back in 1998 in his book earth in the balance that our kids would only be able to see Snow in textbooks. The conveniently always forget about the medieval warm period.
  4. The climate always changing, always has been from the beginning of the creation of the world, and always will be!
  5. That’s always a possibility, however, as I said, all the models are garbage, can’t trust any one of them. They completely ruined the Euro when they updated years ago, The GFS is no better then throwing darts at a dart board.
  6. That’s always a possibility, however, as I said, all the models are garbage, can’t trust any one of them. They completely ruined the Euro when they updated years ago, The GFS is no better then throwing darts at a dart board.
  7. I think all the models are now garbage. Every time they adjust them they ruin them more, I don’t think we can know whether it’ll be snow, rain, or out to sea until 24 hours, sometimes 12 hours before.
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