Thanksgiving week WB 6Z EURO:
light showers east of the mountains Tuesday am.
Rainy Thursday tapering off west to east in the afternoon to evening. Nice soaker...
Cold, but dry settles in for the weekend.
Wishing you and your families a healthy and happy Thanksgiving!
Cold December is better than nothing...we should try to stay positive, especially with the prognosticators pessimism...who was calling for a cold December in October???? Anyone??? Lot of winter ahead of us.
WB 6Z GEFS throws out a few ensemble members with snow through the weekend period. Nothing else to track, so will watch for trends. (It is better than 0Z but one run is not a trend.)
I will try to find you folks a 10% snow prob. Map at 0Z.
Cone on everyone, we need cold first. The fact that it can still even get cold is a start. Actually cold and dry is a long time phenomenon here... the way it was for most of the 70s before global warming was a thing.
Since November is locked, rain chances and snow chances 6Z GEFS through Saturday 30th. Mostly wet east of the mountains, but I will be thankful for the rain, we need it!
Basically just a miserable, cold, windy day in SW Frederick County. But I'm weird and I loved it. Perhaps this truly is the first sign of a real pattern change from warm and dry....
The Thanksgiving wave looks too warm, but some of the members of EPS are picking up on a wave after the Thanksgiving weekend...wouldn't throw in the towel yet....WB 0Z EPS.