WB latest EPS extended, period beyond the ensemble range looks great! There will be more chances after the 10th....(maps for the 32 day period ending February 12.
Side note, anyone else notice how the forecast models for this weekend from 5 days out were wrong; there were several models calling for widespread 1-3 inches of rain. Since it was rain no one was paying attention. Point is a lot changes in 5 days and we are still over a week out....
WB 12Z GEFS, does not look bad at all...look at it as the glass is half full, an extended cold period in January is looking like a lock, let's see what the storm tracks look like as we go through the week.
For what a global is worth at Day 11 plus, WB AI EURO is a southern slider. Blend the GFS and AI, we all get slammed. At this point, it is noteworthy that they both have a storm.
Forum is laser focused on the ensemble period but the latest WB EPS weeklies continue to keep it below normal into the second week of February. Pretty amazing if this verifies considering the consensus winter forecasts. Precipitation also normal to above.
Even the Washington Post has an article on the upcoming pattern....never seen so much hype bordering on hysteria. Everyone must be hitting the egg nog hard this year. Don't jinx it. Mother Nature will throw us some curves the next 30 days. Hopefully, there will be a discrete threat by next weekend but no guarantees in this business. Remember, Lucy is always waiting to pull the football away...
12Z GEFS (6 members of 30 with hits) and EPS (8 members of 50 with hits) pretty close at two weeks with snow chances in January. With two week to go we will see how it trends....
The holiday season is about hope. Great quote I would like to share...hopefully we get some luck the first couple weeks of January. Best wishes to you and yours....