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Weather Will

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Everything posted by Weather Will

  1. 18Z WB GEFS....Day 9-16 Happy Hour!
  2. WB 12Z EPS control run is similar track to GFS operational but too warm. Only a couple of EPS members show a hit late next week so far.
  3. We just need luck on Friday, the 13th....come on now!!! Our luck has been so bad this winter, it would be very ironic if we get some good luck next Friday.
  4. Yup....Interesting how different the WB GFS and EURO maps are at 18Z Thursday, but almost on top of each other at 18Z Friday. I would also note that the EURO did not have the storm at 0Z.
  5. Superstorm 2020. Open a thread. Actually the WB 12Z Canadian operational has a big storm (not snow) late next week as well for us.
  6. 12Z GEFS does give some support to the operational run.
  7. I have not posted maps in almost a day...but your right: Dr. No is on its way!
  8. WB 12Z GFS...Lucy has put the football down again.
  9. Big step back on 18Z EPS. Should not be shocked but disappointed. No maps from me this run.
  10. WB 12Z EPS...still about 20-25%.....with 12 nice hits.
  11. I see no change in 12Z GFS thru hour 90.
  12. Agreed. Let's see if this is a trend in the right direction or just a blip. 25% chance on EPS 4-5 days out is good for us this winter, but that does not mean it snows.
  13. 6Z EPS. Nice uptick!!!! About 12 solid hits.
  14. GFS/GEFS has perhaps a potentially larger threat Day 10.
  15. I agree with that sentiment. Last 20 minute snow shower I had was February 9. Need some snow to christen my new mulch.
  16. Agreed. But may just be noise. First wave will go too far south and be too warm. Second wave cold enough, but low too far NE. WB 0Z and 6Z.
  17. WB 0Z EPS. Still in the game but with probs not increasing inside of 5 days running out of time. Will need luck that we have not had all winter.
  18. WB 18z GEFS. Slight increase...probably just noise, but it is too dark for yard work now.
  19. I think we are all looking at the wrong thing. Outside doing yard work.
  20. 6Z EPS also says what storm? Stays south and east.
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