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Weather Will

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Posts posted by Weather Will

  1. 1 minute ago, osfan24 said:

    GFS looked like a much more significant winter event than the Euro.


    1 minute ago, osfan24 said:

    GFS looked like a much more significant winter event than the Euro.

    EURO had less snow but more sleet and freezing rain than GFS.  The mesoscale models basically have little precipitation of any kind.

  2. So do the mesoscale models have a track record of forecasting lift better than the globals?

    7 minutes ago, C.A.P.E. said:

    It's not the dry air- that could actually help if the front end precip came in hot and heavy. If the best lift is delayed(or mostly north),  the strong warming aloft/retreating cold air mass means time is not on your side.

  3. 7 minutes ago, dailylurker said:

    This has been a nonevent for days.

    You may be right.  But I got up at 345 to catch a train that is now an hour late because of a tree blown down on the track so I decided to look at the maps.

  4. 3 hours ago, Maestrobjwa said:

    I knew somebody was gonna come back with a cynical batting analogy, lol But think about it...after hitting the equivalent of 5 homers in 2010--but then, look how long it was in between then and 2014! Then boom, boom, boom...three above average winters in a row (with 2016 being a single homer that was a grand slam, lol). So now, here we are, 4 years later...and all it takes is one homerun (we've been here before)

    I make the argument that there are other periods in our history where snow lovers could be (and probably were) quite cynical, fearing "oh, it may never snow again" (like the early to mid-70s), and then boom. 1977-78, and 1978-79. Then a big one in 1983. Then a layoff...1986-87. Etc...And the most recent trend is not going more than 4 years without getting a foot. Does that 100% guarantee anything? Not necessarily...but it is the most recent trend, so I'll ride with it unless it breaks! :D Point is...we've been here before!

    I have been thinking about this....The first big storm I remember is 1978, when I was 10.  Going years without a big snowstorm is nothing new around here.  09-10 was a miracle.

  5. 36 minutes ago, mappy said:

    Euro laughs at our talk of ice (unless you’re well west) and gives us a light rainy chilly day

    True, but I live in west...Sw of Frederick.  WB EURO 0z. Note also there is nothing of consequence on the EURO snow or sleet maps.


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