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Weather Will

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About Weather Will

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Brunswick, Md

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  1. WB 0Z GEFS: watching first week of March....
  2. WB latest GEFS extended: like the 7 day period ending around the 11th.
  3. Are we really getting hooked back in? I am so weary...
  4. 18Z WB 12K NAM, may just be wishcasting on my part, but NAM is trying to bring the low N.
  5. Not getting suckered back in on this one unless EURO goes way north....
  6. Latest EPS extended says we need to score by around March 10. Seven day period March 4-11 is the time to watch.
  7. 0Z ICON is further south. Congrats Charlotte.
  8. Positive spin, 50 mikes NW everyone is happy, time will tell if it bounces back or continues sinking south.
  9. 0Z WB 12K NAM, still alive on life support...
  10. NAM might be a little slower moving east this run...
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