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Everything posted by NYCweatherNOW

  1. I disagree I think this summer ends up hot and dry. It’s been wet and cool.
  2. Perfect weather today... this is what summer days should look like 78 with 37% humidity dry sunny weather. Enjoy it it looks like a good stretch of weather coming up!
  3. At least it’ll be cool rain not the warm humid rain you usually get this time of the year.
  4. https://www.weatherbug.com/weather-forecast/now/jones-beach-ny-13152 This is where I get it before I go to the beach. Robert Moses is a better beach though in my opinion.
  5. It’s a million miles away, I would wait until Monday to get a clearer picture!
  6. I think the models correct themselves the next few days and starts drying out...
  7. As long as it’s wet and not warm and humid. That’s the worst weather hot and humid. Tomorrow Ramadan ends and it looks like the weather will start changing around!
  8. That’s a lot of rain and most likely a lot of flash flooding by the New Jersey/Pennsylvania border. It’s a slow moving batch so let’s see how east does it come.
  9. So another way of putting it ,warm and dry?
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