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Everything posted by NYCweatherNOW

  1. Euro has heavy precip but some is mixed here in the city. Good thing looks like this will happen during the early hours so the sun will minimize the warming.
  2. That’s a huge quick 6 hour hit of heavy snow on the 6z nam. GFS looked a little better at 0z run and so did the euro, cmc.
  3. Lol okay that’s all that matters I’ll stop being a jerk to the warm weenies than. Happy new year cuzi
  4. I swear to everything I never posted porn on this that’s just childish. I got suspended for it but it’s fine it was only for 2 days.
  5. It used to be better but yes maybe I was taking the solution to the heart cause it’s the euro. No more
  6. https://collaboration.cmc.ec.gc.ca/cmc/cmdn/pcpn_type/pcpn_type_gem_reg.html
  7. I know it’s early still it’s only Thursday but let’s wait and see
  8. Sorry but seriously the low is bombing out that’s what the euro shows
  9. Keep dreaming I’m stealing your snow this time
  10. This is still trending... wish casting lol hoping the January 8th storm kicks in high gear and we get a full blown snowstorm
  11. What does it show for New York City sorry you bother on mobile can’t check
  12. Happy new year currently 38 in armonk cold and partly sunny! Feels like winter. Plenty of storm chances coming up, nothing set in stone yet!
  13. You guys got good snow how you think I feel being cut off from every system this winter! Somethings got to give... did I tell you guys about the story... few days ago I saw a flock of geese head south and than a few hours later another flock. Wizard has it it snows 14 days after!
  14. And just like that pooof the storm is gone for January 7th timeframe!
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