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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. Any chance this can come back into the models as a storm threat? I'd hate to think once it gone, it's not coming back? We've seen this before with other systems, right?
  2. GFS being closer meaning something good I take it
  3. Your a trouble maker...you know what your doing. You need to stop or go somewhere else. You did this man.
  4. Listen, he brings nothing to the table. All he's trying to do is push everyone's buttons. I have no problem saying that I reported him. I feel he does nothing here but post his negative comments.. We're all entitled to our opinions, but he's not doing that, he's just trying to push buttons. Hopefully whomever the moderator is, they will see this and ban him from posting.
  5. For one..snow is prettier..for two..it's a lot easier to travel in snow than ice. Lastly, you're really asking me that question? Lol
  6. Why would you want ice. One of the worse things to ask for.
  7. I have not measures yet..but..we have set least 3" here now. Snowing fairly hard
  8. Snow is new sticking. Looked outside 15 minutes ago..was just wet with Snow. Now, the show is really coming down in earnest, and is sticking everywhere. Back n to sleep
  9. Hmm.. This is a tough one. Some models are showing the coast getting now, others show us inland getting the higher amounts. I guess we shall see?
  10. What's even funnier is, that sucker hole is not over Enfield...it's over Southwick Mass.... Lolololol
  11. Lol.. I love Coming on here, but, there's a bunch of whiny Mofos here..lolol. You guys just cant enjoy the weather as it comes? Complaining it's not fair..or the winter is done, or, it's warm with rain..and cold and dry. I'm guessing you've never really experienced something that deserves complaining. Get a grip people. We are here to discuss weather events. Oh, and for the last time whiners....... It is December 8th....8TH!!!! We have already experienced some great snow events. Ok..back to the our regular scheduled program!
  12. Well, we can take tomorrow into Tuesday as a good example. We got a rainstorm...but, now, we have a Snow event Tuesday night into Wednesday. This weekend is far from being written in stone. The way things have been going, I wouldn't be surprised to be surprised.
  13. Several different sources that I subscribe to also show the mid-month cold coming in. So..it's not just an anomaly. What's up with all these negative posts?
  14. Yeah.. I see they are forecasting temps in the 50s next Monday with rain Monday night into Tuesday. Then temps drop back to the 30s.
  15. Well... With last nights blitz, amd the 2" from the day before, I have almost a foot.of snow just like that!! ( I measured 9", but, I also shoveled a small amount when I got home from work yesterday.
  16. It is snowing so hard that I can barely see my next store neighbors spot light on their house. Wow!
  17. Sorry your missing out on this one. At least youve had some good early snows already. Im thinking this will be a loonngg season as far as the Snow goes. Hold tight man...this is going to be a good ride ( IMO ) ;-)
  18. Was snowing when i keft my house in Plainville this morning at 8. Work in West Harford and the Snow is coming down Steadily. If this keeps up..we may have a nice surprise today and tonight!!
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