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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. What really gets me is how bad technology is with weather forecasting. It seems like they can't even get anything together even when the storm is within a few days. I just don't get how bad these models are.
  2. I feel like there was always more of an issue when things were way out to see that they started to tik back West. That seemed to happen so often where it would bring the Snows back into the SNE within a day of the storm hitting
  3. Well. The WSW are up for all of west central mass.. Western Vermont and eastern upper hudson Valley. That's def not from the NAM model..lol
  4. I still wouldnt hold this as gospel. There is still a good chance that where you are in western CT could still get a little more than show ( things could still wobble enough to work in your favor ). All you need is a small.change to bring you back to above 4"
  5. So.. This isnt bad. Not sure it ticks anymore east, wondering if it ticks back west a bit... But, I will take this where I live in Plainville CT.
  6. Lol. I am a weather lover.. But not a weenie, DICK... Lol
  7. So.. From what your saying.. The 3km is less likely then the 12km?
  8. So, I'm a little confused with something. What's the difference of the 3 km Nam model run as opposed to the regular 12z run? My thinking is the Euro will come east a little bit more I still see snow in North central Connecticut
  9. I'm guessing that the 12z Euro run will be an important one ( I think the NAM use right before ).
  10. Would you consider interior southern New England being just north of I84 in Connecticut?
  11. I like this Damage in Tolland guy!! Lol. Funny thing is, Nam showed this first today, then the Euro followed. Lets see if the GFS corrects mpre towards these two ( even the Ukie was in the camp of Euro and Nam ).
  12. I couldnt agree with you more. This applies to a few others to.
  13. Cmon man... I'm 49 in 2 days. Your kind.of acting like a child if you are old as you say you are. Smarten up, mature up, and be an example to the younger crew on here ( simce you are older tham most you should have some wisdom ).
  14. Listen. I think we all would be happy for you to join in the convo, just not in the negative way you have been posting. Reverse psychology, not wanting to be disappointed later... It doesnt really matter the reason, it's just doesnt add anything to the discussion. So... Join in, but please.. Try to keep your negative thoughts to yourself ( unless they are warranted and teue ). ;-)
  15. Thats why it is smart to focus on the here and now. Forecasting out beyond 2 weeks is somewhat futile. Too much of that on here..... Brings out all the cliff jumpers ( and it doesn't help with the antagonizers as well ). Sometimes the forum is a Shit show ( and I don't mean everyone, only a certain few ) lets track away and just ignore the naysayers.
  16. Ok..so wow. The GFS and the Euro both show something juicy for the northeast next Tuesday timeframe ( even the cmc ). This weekend still looks iffy, but improved somewhat from previous runs.
  17. Ok..so any chance to see what these model runs are showing?
  18. Listen.. I could truly see what you're saying, especially what happened last season. That took a lot of people ( and most Mets ) by surprise. But, this is not 2019/2020. It is ok to be prepared for the worst but also hope for the best. At least this year we are seeing things play out in the right direction. And hell, even if December turns out not to be a stellar snow month, I will still have faith that we will see a good, even awesome storm or two this season. There is really no telling exactly what will happen as the weather will do what it may, even with all the modeling available. But, I've also had my shares of surprises over my 48 years on this earth when it comes to to the weather. I for one will not go about it in a negative fashion. Here's hoping that this Winter will satisfy all!
  19. So... Great posts man. I love what you bring to the table. Appreciate all your optimism. This forum wouldn't be the same without you... Haha. I guess we need a few scrooges on here to keep it real. Can't wait until that first big one this season. Wont be long.
  20. That storm was intense..but. It came ashore in New York City..and also had tropical charachteristica to it ( but was never classified that way ) and even had an eye. A little bit different of a storm as of this point..lol
  21. Happy Thanksgiving all. I hope this day helps you guys reflect on kindness, compassion, and just love the neighbor. I do like to come here to talk about the weather, but man.. You guys love to one up eachother on who is this and who is that. Who is passive aggressive, who is not. I started getting sucked into y'alls banter, but no mo3te for me. Just enjoy the day and realize why we need to start respecting one another. Now.. Back to the weather.
  22. And there's or boy! Gotta love his pessimism. Lol
  23. Ive learned to let his comments go. Freeing!! Lol
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