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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. But.. There is a nice little spin in Pa. Plus.. The precip seema to backfill in Eastern PA. That is coming towarda us.
  2. Okay.. Just took a look.thata a classic beauty. Not sure how realiatic this run will be, but my hopes are on the NAM
  3. Okay..so we've built built up all this excitement. Who has access to post the maps?
  4. That's the pot calling the kettle black...lolololol You have hyoe3d things so many times ( due to your over excitement of course ). Now, with facts on the table, you're downplaying it? Lolol. Happy New Year
  5. Dude.. How old are you?? Lol Why is it when someone points something out that is postive you guys call them/us WEENIES? I'm sure you're just as big a WEENIE as the rest of us.
  6. And here is another persons perspective.... Neither are the Farmers Almanac.
  7. Ok.. But its not. I love the way some people pick and choose who they beleive is right. The models back in November also fluctuated with what they showed for December. So..lets see what happens.
  8. From LC just now: “A storm to say goodbye to 2020, and start 2021! The system in question is currently along the shoreline of California. The track scenario is mostly agreed upon by the numerical models, although timing is a bit uncertain. a move into Texas by New Year's Eve should be followed by a slower migration along or just to the right of the Appalachian Mountains, then into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Similar to previous disturbances in December, this new impulse will be accompanied by a strong 500MB cold pool. The implication is that we will once more see a brief change-to-sleet/snow on the north and west rim of low pressure. This frozen precipitation potential is marginal for parts of central and northern Texas, probably on New Year's Day. Heavy rain and thunderstorms seem a good bit from SE TX and LA through the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic on January 1 - 3. I suspect that other mid-latitude cyclones will follow through next month, each a little stronger than the one preceding. With a Rex blocking signature over Baffin Island and the Davis Strait, there will be opportunities for cold air drainage from Canada. You would not know this by looking at the most recent numerical model 2m temperature predictions. But that aspect will slowly change as effects of a strong southern branch jet stream and an ongoing stratospheric warming episode start to impact surface features as we push deeper into 2021.”
  9. Okay. Well make sure you're backing up your words then as facts. Just saying.
  10. I've said this before and I'll say it again. This is the most pessimistic forum I've ever been on. A lot of you guys give up on everything way to soon. Yea..last year ended up like crap and we were very dissapointed, but a lot of you are brutal, and even bullies at times to others. This is a forum to discuss what may be happening, not bittercasting that the future of this Winter is over. I'm very sure I'll have people comment on this post in a negative way, but I could care less. I am still optimistic about the rest of the winter. I will take a good February ( and even March when we have had some of our greatest blizzards ). With 2020 being such a " locked in the house " kind of year, this type of activity on the forum is supposed to be an enjoyable one. For anyone who disagrees, well then I have an entire ass you can kiss...lololol. To all those who are on here to discuss the prospects of something good and who are optimistic, I'm with all of you. Now... It is looking like we have some good possibilities in early January. Its not set in stone, but it is in the realm of possibilities.
  11. I get it, but from past experiences... Things are bound to change ( as the models tend to do ). Honestly, I have been on a few blogs, and the mood is more on discussing models and what things may or may not happen. Here... There is so much complaint and statements always being thrown out of cutters and winter is no where to be found. Not really something that is appealing to discuss. Thats all I am saying. But, carry on the doom and gloom.. Winter is over guys..cutters the rest of this winter. Enjoy the mud and rain and warmth. ;-)
  12. Geez. So many debbie downers..lol. had to laugh at the one comment about not having any more tropical systems. We're getting one tap has to fall and Christmas. You guys are a bunch of cry babies. The funny thing is all you guys are going to be screaming with joy once we start seeing some good Snow events again, which we will.
  13. So.. I've accepted the fact that X-mas will be wet ( possibly some white on x-mas day ). But.. Things still look good going forward.
  14. If you remember.. When in our snowiest winter of 95-96, we had a big thaw and heavy rains ( I think in Feb ) but went back to snow after that. I'm not sure there has been any winter where every single storm is a coastal or a clipper. It sucks we're having rain Christmas Eve/ day..but..there still a bit of tweaking to be done regarding that storm. However.. Talk of doom and gloom because of this storm heading into the new year...lolololololol. That is funny. Well be fine. Haven't even hit January yet. Relax poeple.
  15. Just took a measurement. Have 11-12" now. Looks like we have several more hours to go. We should pick up another 3-5 more inches. Forecasted very well. Should end up around 14-16". Would have loved that deform band, but I am more than happy with where we are.
  16. That is very nice. Now do we think are ratios will be higher than 10:00 to 1? Seems like we're going to be very cold here in Northern Connecticut
  17. Co8n man. You're better than that. You know it's not going to snow until dark tomorrow. I believe every model had the snow or if here but early afternoon the latest ( and that is far eastern ct ).
  18. What's up neighbor. It will be interesting to see what we get from this storm. I'm right on the a farmington/plainville line. Work in west Hartford. Let's see if the Beijing sets up and we see any differences from WH to my hometown
  19. Why bother having the kuchi maps then? Do they ever come to fruition?
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