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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. Nice.storm signal for next Friday 1/22
  2. https://www.accuweather.com/en/winter-weather/inauguration-day-forecast-dc-weather-to-hinge-on-east-coast-storm/880875 Interesting read
  3. No.. Read my post again. I said I am dissapointed.. Not bailing. I will always stay optimistic though.
  4. I have to admit, I'm not admitting defeat, but all of these different models had portrayed such a pattern change. Even better than last year oh, and nothing has happened. I'm not sure why these models even exist if they can't get anything right. I'm disappointed to say the least. Looks like things just aren't working out how we thought, it's deja vu from last year. I hold out hope because we still have two weeks left in this month all of February and even the first two to three weeks of March. But, I'm disappointed so far
  5. I'm coming with ya man!! That is like pure enjoyment for me. Lol
  6. I will say that Ryan is always conservative, but I like that about him. He never hypes anything. With that said, I will be happy with one Blizzard from now until the end this Winter. Things dont seem to panning out the way they looked several weeks back, but thats the weather for ya! I never give up hope though.
  7. I'm laughing at all that are freaking out. Things can change so quickly on these model runs. It's not very often where we get consistant snows ( at least here in SNE ) and cold. It is a hit or miss in this region. Do I think we are done and nothing else will happen. Not by a long shot. Even if its one more big storm and a few smaller ones in between, I'd be happy with that. In the end though, just happy to wake up everyday to my family being healthy and alive. What I do know is once we get that storm to materialize and come to fruition, all this cliff jumping or writing off Winter will stop ( for the moment..lol ). Try to sit back and enjoy the ride. We're not done.
  8. Be gentle in your explanation to him.... He needs to be coddled a bit before explaining why this one could come to fruition.
  9. This is a perfect example of damage and tollands quote on us not having anything until at least the 25th. To take a model run or model runs now and say we're not having anything to the 25th he's like me telling you you're not going to pass gas in the next 24 hours. You just don't know
  10. Does posting doom and gloom make it better. Its a part of life. Get over it and move on. There are things to talk about that are not negative. Again.. Isn't there a separate section to put all the "BANTER" into? C'mon man. Your like a kid when you respond..... Lol
  11. I have a great idea. Anyone who thinks winter is done and feels like its not worth talking about what could happen over the next 2 months, should log off and take their bamter to a forum that is for just that, complain and banter. Anyone who wants to stay and discuss the possibilities, please, by all means post amd lets discuss the weather. A bunch of 5 year olds in here....lolol. Seriously though... Please dont post if it's all about " This winter sucks "
  12. So listen Vanilla Ice... ( and I learned how to respond in a positive way from my rant with 40/60 Benchmark.. ;-) lololololol ). Sure..we don't have any snow right now, but when the time comes that we do get some, and you want to be part of the convo, you'll be the first one I'm throwing salt on so you melt away!
  13. Lololololol. Thanks for my lesson. Don't want you to lose your temper. Haha Lets take it as we viewed it differently. Yes.. It can most definitely go either way. In the end, I think we are both looking for the same result however, and thats some cold and good snows! Here's to hoping.
  14. And again.. It sais nothing of the kind. " More favorable " is no where to be said in this tweet. It clearly states that the GEFS shows stronger ridging over Alaska, resulting in a stronger -NAO. But no where does it say it is favored over the ECMWF. Its ok that you don't know how to decipher what this tweet is trying to get across, thats why I am here to school you. Btw.. You must enjoy speaking to people like they are stupid. I do feel sorry for you though...usually people who have to put down others are lacking in there own self esteem. Hopefully you can learn from this and treat others with some respect. I'm sure when you become an adult, you will get what im saying. ( I think you are still in your mid-melt phase )
  15. First off... Open YOUR eyes. It does not state the GEFS is favored over the ECMWF. It sais it is stronger than the ECWMF regarding tje ridging over Alaska. If this is the way you want to speak to people than maybe you should get some lessons in humility. I find this forum full of bullying and rudeness. You might be able to talk to someone else like this, but not me. This forum isnt even enjoyable to come to with so many any remarks.
  16. No.. It's not saying that. It is showing both models and what they are forecasting ( not that one is more favorable than the other, that is a toss up until we know which one is correct ).
  17. Here's something I found interesting that gives hope to the pattern change. Thoughts?
  18. Well.. Not at all. Actually I am a mild mannered and open minded person. To be honest, you're what I call a Passive aggressor. You like to push peoples buttons on here. I'm ok with it because I know what you are doing. What I dont like is how it could affect others. Anyway.. Happy to see your still posting your passive aggressive posts. I'm sure there might be one or 2 poeple who like you on here though. Lol
  19. So... The pattern modeled the last 2 days showing changes os so drastic. How can any of you take any of this seriously and become so cynical? As fast as things have been changing, dont you think it could easily change back or we get something big out of a pattern that is so drastic? My guess is whomever has given up or tossed out this Winter already should with stop messaging their negative thoughts, or take them to the section where you could complain. It sucks for me to as I love the snow and tracking storms ( just bought my 7 year old a sled ), but the last thing I want to do is talk about foom amd gloom and everything is over. I feel like thos forum is full of a bunch of 12 year olds..lololol
  20. You guys are such crying babies..lol. If you think we are done and nothing will happen youbare dillusional. Even if the models shifted and look like they are not as good, aren't you all aware that they will.most likely change again. This is typical of these model runs. C'mon people.
  21. Funny, not sure where you are, but hasnt cracked the low 30s here in North central CT. You must be in some micro climate where you are. Enjoy your 40s.. I absolutely love the temps right now!!
  22. Guys and gals. It is extremely quiet. So much so that the atmosphere will have to snap back the other way. I have a good feeling that we will see our share of excitement. As Mr. Maggie sais. "PATIENCE"
  23. Dude..something wrong with you? Your acting like a negative Nelly and a bully. Pull it together man. Stop attacking others for their opinions. We are here to talk about " Close " encounters. Anything to do with events that may effect our area..even if it is 12 days out. Rant done.
  24. I think what he was saying is that we have the best of both worlds. Not one or the other
  25. Looks like it will high amd dry ( well, maybe some flurries moving in from the ocean in Eastern mass..new Hampshire today ) over the northeast for the foreseeable future ( like the next 10 days ).
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