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Posts posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. 56 minutes ago, MJO812 said:


    I'm the real OG weenie

    Ok.. That explains it. So guys..be gentle. I give you a lot of credit for loving and following the weather the way you do. I think some of you adults should take notes from this kid!! 

    • Haha 3
    • Weenie 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

    Woah mesos are stout for CT lots of 2 to 4s showing up. Interesting.  That Euro run LR was certainly clownish. Looks like lots of action for my Feb thread

    2 to 4 what?

  3. 9 hours ago, Baroclinic Zone said:

    You’ve been saying this for 2 weeks.

    What do expect him to say. It's not coming. The winter is over. I did that a few days back. Have been very disappointed with the turnout thus far. However, I also can see this pattern yielding something very very big. Just had that vibe.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

    18z JV models north again for 1/26. The icon is actually kind of hilarious. Gets advisory snows into powderfreak land. Warning snows for pike region. 

    Which model are you referring to LOL

  5. 31 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

    I’ve been trying to keep the spirits up. Whining doesn’t accomplish anything...I tell that to my kids so gotta practice what I preach myself. It’s been an awful stretch, no doubt, but it’s not like it’s been 2012ish bad. There’s been some ill timed stuff that has boned us. I still like pur chances moving forward, yea I know that line has been on repeat since Jan 1st it seems but there is no way we get shutout next 30 days, no way. I’ll quit the board for a full calendar year if we do. 

    Man, I know you're right. I'm a dad too, I'm very optimistic 95% of the time. Just been having my doubts as of late. But, if you noticed at the end of my host that I threw a teeny bit of optimism in there LOL. I'm always the first one to say to everybody else stop being so pessimistic, my bad from my post. You're right and I know that something will break which will make us all happy. Thanks for the slap back down to reality

  6. 4 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

    Not much there for the 29th to climb the coast. Gfs seems like the max/best solution and that’s never a good thing. 

    Ya know... That's what we've been saying about the last several storms. They have either fizzled or scooted off to our south. Doesn't look like we are getting any of these. Might it push north.... Slightest of possibilities. Although I do appreciate your enthusiasm in this horrible pattern ( which was supposed to be so good for us ). Totally like last year... I can't believe I'm saying this. Uugghh. 

  7. Just now, Damage In Tolland said:

    Ukie came way south from 00z though 

    At least we have the Ukie and the CMC more in our region. It's more than we've seen in the last few days from the bigger guys. It keeps hopes alive for this one I'm at least here in Southern New England. Actually, looking at the model runs the last several days, so many people are in play from Maryland right up through southern New England

  8. 4 minutes ago, ice1972 said:

    Why are you or anybody surprised by this....it’s a total ratter.....wire to wire ratter with a tease beginning just to hernia sucked in.....next

    Uugghh.. Please. Seriously with your "Ratter". I cant stand that word. Lol this is NOT what is going to happen. As they say, Misery loves company. Carry on Negative Nancy

    • Thanks 1
  9. And again, I feel like it's a broken record. It's over a week away. Same thing with the long range models. You're all saying how trashy I look for February, what about the models late December when they're showing January being amazing and look at us now. So, let's hope that the models are the opposite of what they're going to be as they were late December into now

    • Weenie 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    Looking great! Snowy 


    Isn't that what you said to to many days ago? Lol

    For real though. 1/2 of you are so in the toilet with this Winter. I also am missing the Snow and I'm hoping for some real Snow soon. But, what I am not doing is writing anything off until Winter is over. Do you guys realize when you poo-poo all over this particular forum that you are ruining it for all others who are here to talk about whatever upcoming threats there are? If your that distraught, just leave those comments in the banter section.. Not here. I can't beleive your not tired of hearing yourselves crying. Lololololololol. So.. For those who want to stay and discuss upcoming events and are ready to put on there big boys and girls pants, then we have a productive forum. For those who do not, just dont say anything at all. Most don't want to hear it. 

    • Confused 1
  11. 51 minutes ago, MJO812 said:

    Euro is suppressed

    Garbage model

    First of.. When for? Second, you can't call a model garbage just because you don't like the outcome, and third and final, if this Is for the storm the end of next week..... You can't take any model run to seriously at this point. You are better than that ( I read all your posts and you always stay optimistic ). Don't stop now... " WEENIES RULE!!!!! " ;-)

    • Weenie 2
  12. 12 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

    Ray only follows snow and cares about BECS jacks only while Kevin follows just about anything that tickles him. The Majority of weenies fall somewhere in between.

    So im guessing you are in that middle category along with the rest of the Weenies...lol

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