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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. It is truly ripping here. I didn't even put the light on outside and you can see how hard it's snowing.
  2. Just started here too. Let's see how quickly it could start coming down heavy
  3. So they're still looking good and That's that's a good sign. I'm excited no matter what happens. Even if it's not all snow and all the storms. Even if they're mixed, it's still fun to see them Wintry.
  4. Just curious where you had gotten the information we're having a cutter? I've heard that we might be getting more of a mix in some of the storms later next week, but no one said anything about a cutter. Maybe I'm just not hearing or seeing what you're hearing or seeing. Can you elaborate please
  5. So is skynet the new Euro AI? And is it really that reliable. From what I'm seeing And hearing it seems to be.
  6. I couldn't agree more, But of course we're grouped in this camp like we're some sort of rose-colored glasses, kind of people. I have to laugh at those comments. I know exactly what he's doing. He does not want to get his own hopes up so his way of coping with it is to put the negative spin on it. That way if things do go south, he'll tell everyone, I told you so.
  7. You're funny man. When the models show something that is not what we're hoping for.. you jump on it and try to shove the point that everything's falling apart ( And of course there's always a chance that it goes that way ), however, if it's showing something real positive, you kind of just go " well maybe but probably not ". So...which is it?
  8. Damn Ryan, I didn't know how ruthless you really are. .lol
  9. No man I'm not that new LOL. I've been on here for several years. I just don't have the same knowledge as some of these guys. I listen and ask questions. But what I have learned is the amount of people who pounce on you. If you don't ask the right question, or the meltdowns ( which I myself have had ) And definitely getting to know the different characteristics of each person. I was just making the statement because it was getting a little unhinged there.
  10. What the heck's going on this morning. Everyone is freaking out. I swear this forum is bipolar LOL. Yesterday everybody was up in the sky today. They're freaking out like there's a apocalypse coming. Regardless of what happens, it is what it is. Taking the NAM and running with it at the moment is very silly. Not that it doesn't have any impact on what's going to happen with Saturday night's storm, but the other larger models are still looking like they are a go with the storm for our area. Let's see where the 12z shows and go from there. But man, stop the freak out people!
  11. Hey listen, I had my melt about 2 weeks ago. I get what you're saying, and there was always that possibility that things could go the other way. There's no way to know for sure. But there's still a lot of positive signs for snow and storms. What form they take, yes that might be up in the air a bit. Point is, you went from being very optimistic to totally pessimistic. Just makes you look like you're losing your mind. Take a break like I did for a day. It helped
  12. C'mon man .. it's not a lock for a mix next week. Everything for both systems are still up in the air. But, yes, the possibilities are there for some mixing.
  13. Although things might have fluctuated a bit on the models doesn't mean they will not go back in the better direction.
  14. What happened to you? Why the complete change in your demeanor? Did things change that much last night? It doesn't seem that way? Are you ok?
  15. Just saw that. Funny that they have the WSW through Sunday afternoon. Wondering if they're expecting it to go a little longer through Sunday midday. Nice to see though
  16. Blocking his dumb arse worked for me. Now I don't have to see his asinine comments anymore. :-)
  17. Ok .. so let's see ( it's seems that all models are on the same page, which we haven't seen for quite some time )
  18. Well... It it missing is in CT now? ( Plus.. wouldn't put any Credence into the NAM at this juncture)
  19. So there's hope that will still see some good events past next weekend through the second half of February? Not that I'm complaining ( And also not to put the horse before the cart ), we definitely have some great opportunities between now and next Friday which is only the 14th....
  20. This was a great storm in 78. I was in third grade, my older brother was in fourth grade and my younger brother was in first grade. I remember we lived in lower Westchester county and the three of us were building tunnels into the street because there were no cars or anything around with all the snow. It was a great memory
  21. I have to laugh. Gil on wtnh saying snow to freezing rain Saturday night ending Sunday morning. Where the met on wvit channel 4 saying mostly snow. He's throwing out a possibility of 5 to 9 inches? It's just funny how they're both so different in what they're saying. One used the Euro when he was going over his blog, while the other used the GFS. Probably will be a blend of the two. I just love getting the take on different Met's forecasts. And they're different!!
  22. Yeah they're saying now for most of inland Connecticut now that they're looking at maybe 5 to 9 in for Saturday night into Sunday morning. The office said it looks like it would stay mostly snow even at the shoreline with a little mix in the beginning.
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