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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. That's my hope too. I'm north of Meriden right on the Farmington line. I'm guessing we'll stay colder as well.
  2. Let's just wait till it starts before we start making final calls of what is going to be or how it's going to turn out. The general theme of what's going to happen is we're going to get snow, probably 2 to 4 in before it changes over to sleet, then to ice and rain. Coastline will definitely be rain, and that line may come all the way up to the middle part of the state. State it's more the hills that will definitely stay freezing rain and maybe as you get into sections of Hartford county Tolland and Windham county as well. It was always going to be a slopstorm in Connecticut
  3. Ha.... You are all in. You better salt your entire house to keep it from becoming an igloo.
  4. I'd venture to guess that you're tossing the Nam? Lol
  5. Lol .. kind of asks for it himself. Tends to really overdo the winds being destructive and these possible ice storms being crippling. Fortunately, they rarely ever do any of that ( And quite frankly, I don't want any kind of destructive ice storm. He can have it in his town on his block ).
  6. Lolol... But some of you really bust balls a little too much. It's like someone jumping on you guys for being so pessimistic. You don't like that either. I know we bust balls in general and have fun with it, but sometimes it's a little overdone. You don't have to point someone out in particular to get your point across.
  7. Still's coming down lately, our driveway has a light coating on it as well as the decks
  8. Damn man...lol. It's not that bad. There are a lot more high risk sports that I'd be worried about over a chair lift accident ( although when I was a teenager, I did have a fight with a chairlift and fell off the side trying to get on, but thankfully I was okay.. just a few laughs and bruises )
  9. I couldn't agree more. Maybe lying if I said I wasn't disappointed, but people in the South who rarely see snow that something that's once in a lifetime, and that's pretty damn cool. Cool. We'll have our moment again. And who knows, the season is not over yet, and none of us are getting off of here even when we say we are done LOL
  10. May we please get just ONE??? I mean really.... It would be nice.
  11. I can care less what happens with these next two storms. But they will do something good for you guys in Northern New England. Enjoy
  12. Yeah I'm at work, so sometimes I get on here and miss some of the back conversation. I'd rather it show pa whiff at this point... It's still 8 to 9 days out, so a lot will change. Thanks though
  13. So all this time I'm thinking we're talking about next week, but we're talking about this weekend storm threat. How is it looking for middle of next week. Is that storm still slated to look more wintry for the area?
  14. Lopsided bobbies. So it seems it is trending colder, albeit ice in Most of CT. If that second low can hang in there south of LI... It should lock in the Low level cold air ( then Kev will get 2 wishes... Boobies and an Ice Storm ) :-)
  15. Damn, you are so cynical LOL. ( In all actuality I'm just trying to not be so cynical, but the way things have been going lately, I totally get it ). So stop it damn it!!! Lol ;-)
  16. Oddly enough, the 12z Euro today is showing a pretty snowy. Over the next two weeks again. So which one is it, rain or snow? I guess we won't really know until we get closer to each event. I guess Jekyll's back today Hyde will be back tomorrow LOL
  17. It's funny you should say this. I'm sure some of you are familiar with that. Tri-State weather always puts out forecasts on Facebook. They posted today's 12z Euro snow output for the next two weeks and it paints a pretty snowy picture. Not sure what that means, but it seems like a flip back again where we're saying the last couple of days. I'm just going to wait and see. It's so tough because we do use the models to give us an idea what's going to happen, but there's been such a switch back and forth over the last few weeks that it gets hard to know what's going to really be the final outcome. Time will tell I guess
  18. So serious question, has the Ukie ever scored a coop? I mean if it did that gives us a little hope LOL
  19. Tbh ... I would be perfectly happy if we had gotten a big dog next week and called it a day after that. I mean, if we get some surprises great. But everything has been so mediocre and really just a struggle to get something meaty. Time will tell. Just another week to wait!
  20. Yeah, you should be fine up there. I don't think precipitation type will be an issue. We're either going to see sloppy mixed to rain, or at best snow to a sloppy mix this weekend. At this point I'm looking ahead to next week
  21. This is enough to make you go nuts. One day we have model consensus of an amazing next 2 to 3 weeks. The next day it's completely opposite. I'm just going to take them as they come. Today was a good example of all the things that could happen. I thought for sure we were going to get a 8 in or so. I barely got four. Just can't get a snowstorm around here. It still looked great and still had a great time outside with my daughter. What Will be will be!
  22. Totally busted on the low side here. Maybe 4-4.5 just looking ( we already had about 3 by 10:30 )... But everything just fell apart at around 1-1:30. Just can't buy a Snowstorm around here..lol
  23. Just about 3" here....still ripping. Off to bed. See where we wind up in the morning.
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