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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. It's funny, my close friends and my family will always ask me, " Hey I saw this on Facebook or hey I saw this online showing a big snowstorm " I just tell them pay no attention to those because they're just weather enthusiasts that like hype something that's just a low probability. But they do ask me for my opinion LOL
  2. I get what you're saying completely. It's so hard to know which way this would go ( And if it even goes either way ). Helping for a miracle LOL
  3. They mentioned it this morning on channel 8 live feed. Gil Simmons was talking about the Norlun trough and the possibility of that happening Friday night
  4. With all due respect, because you're upset about not seeing anything in your area, we could say you've been more in the negative side. But that's okay? Everyone has their own opinion, are we supposed to jump on someone because it's positive. Come on man. You know better than anyone.
  5. So are we writing off this winter too now? I know it seems like it's a rerun of last winter in some respects. But we do still have January, February and even March. It's a broken record in here. Something's got to give. We'll see if it's this season
  6. Well.. it's Monday night. And, although small, we have had some storms in the past come back to life with only 2-3 days to go. So if it happened before, it can happen again. Let's see where the Euro is tonight. Night folks!
  7. I'm still wondering where you got the 3-6/4-8 idea from? Not sure anything ever showed that yet. And trust me, I think we all want that. But, I think you're setting yourself up for failure with this one. If I'm wrong, I'll be the first to apologize
  8. Haha... I was just kidding, but it's nice that I got two responses from two different people of what it is. I think the last one I remember that was a true Miller A was the 1993 storm. Not thinking of any others at this moment
  9. Well..... There's always that Hail Mary courier knives Snow that that Tip said was showing him one of the models for Christmas morning LOL
  10. As they say, it is what it is. I'm not too disappointed as we had a couple of small events this December ( which we didn't have last December that I can remember ). Plus, we have a lot of family here for this holiday which is great. So I'll look forward to January to see what happens. Definitely not letting this bipolar weather pattern affect me LOL. Eventually we'll get something big!
  11. Let's hope. Although not often that we get something which is splitting hairs already. Or not it's even going to hit, it does happen from time to time. If there's ever a time for this to happen, it is now ( that is us getting a hit ).
  12. The NAVGEM is my hero!!!!! Lol But, does it offer and clue or realism to what the storm will do ( I know no one ever shows us or uses this ).. I recall, sometimes it can sniff something out. Just wondering
  13. Yes... We're gonna have a warm day tomorrow into Wednesday.... But the weather's going to turn sharply colder again Friday. And there is that chance of something Friday night to Saturday morning with the cold weather going into Christmas day. Am I missing something?
  14. Hey.. I call this a win as well... Was only expecting a coating at best when I went to bed last night... I'd say it's 1.5" to 2".
  15. Man... I hope we would get that much... But there you go with your favorite number " 4-8 )... Lol By I am hoping your manifesting it will make it happen! If we do get that..we will definitely have a White Christmas... Temps will make sure of that!
  16. In what sense. What does it look like it's going to do for us? I'll take 1-3/2-4 as it would stay on the ground for Christmas. But I'm not sure exactly what we might get from This
  17. Looks like I missed a bit with the most recent model runs. Hadn't been on since early yesterday evening. Had our Christmas party last night. Looks like a little back and forth with the models this morning. It's still too early for them to be coming into focus. Wouldn't be surprised to see them change again this afternoon. We shall see
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