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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. For a rare moment... I agree and am ok with this. Flying out early 1/2 from Bradlee.. so don't want any issues
  2. I'm perfectly fine with it being a nothing Burger. I'm flying out at 6:20 in the morning on Thursday, January 2nd. I'm going to my cousin's memorial for his mom in Florida and I don't want to miss it. But I'm back Sunday the 5th and looking forward to seeing where we had had the following week
  3. What's the latest GFS showing for New Year's Day?
  4. Yeah... I have to fly out to Florida from 1/2-1/5... So I'm hoping to be back for what changes we may be seeing. If you guys can squeeze something out 1/3, then I'll have some things good to see when I'm back. Fingers are crossed for what's being modeled
  5. So after checking on both storms... Feb '06 Hartford received 21.9". The blizzard of 1996, Hartford received 15.8". Bridgeport received 16" ( less than I would have thought ) as Fairfield received 27.8" and West Hartford received 27"!!!
  6. You're forgetting about Nemo that hit in 2013. Bridgeport received 30 in, and Hartford received 27 in.
  7. Truce man!! I'm not here to call you out with this he said she said crap. I just don't like being attacked just for being optimistic. I think we all want the same thing. And yes, I get frustrated too when s*** doesn't pan out.
  8. You can't win with some of these people on this forum... You're either on one end or the other ( kind of reminds me of something we just went through in November ) Ha! Gotta love coastalWx though, he's the first to jump all over you yet he's all over the place with his thoughts... lol. Well, he's got his followers. I can give two s**** who follows me or not. I'm not here to stroke anyone's ego. If I'm gonna be blasted for staying optimistic then so be it ( I find a lot of humor in it actually ).
  9. Yeah... Lately it hasn't been great... But this isn't permanent. Norcal had had it's fair share of shitty Winters you too. You must be a youngster. Lol Patience my friend
  10. What makes you think the storm is trending more to ice or snow system. The forecast still show mid to upper 40s. But then again no one's been posting anything current over the last 2 days because of the holiday. Also, there's been no maps posted for next week about the upcoming storm. So I was just curious where where You saw this? I'll be
  11. Ehhh... Probably not going to happen like this ( and I would say the same if it showed 3' ). Too far out to know.
  12. Merry Christmas everyone. Enjoy today!!
  13. No, I saw that. I know what you posted about other areas. Not to get blunt with you, but stop crying. It could easily have been the other way around. The last thing I'm going to do is complain that I didn't get anything and other people did. How old are we? 10? I guess we'll agree to disagree, but I do think everyone's hope here is to see a bona fide winter with several snowstorms for all! Merry Christmas!
  14. No no... Please don't misunderstand me. And I'm not trying to knock you. I get what you're saying is true. I'm not saying don't say how you feel. It's just that most of your posts are so negative, it doesn't make things better. Going to happen in January. Yes, last year turned into s***, but doesn't mean this year is going to turn into s*** as well. All I'm saying is, having some optimism sometimes isn't a bad thing. In the end, it's your choice on how you want to feel. I'm just trying to turn a little more pessimism into optimism. That's all.
  15. Man... Do you ever have anything optimistic to say..lol I know you feel burnt, but doesn't it get old staying in the Negative zone? It's bound to get better.
  16. Never heard of this guy. Is he respectable ( not just a hyped weather enthusiasts )?
  17. Ice needs some hot water thrown on him. Go troll another forum
  18. I not sure anyone knows what's going to happen. I just think we all would like to see the same thing in the end. Then we can all slap our Shlongs!
  19. Yeah one of my METs in CT was saying that Western and Central part of CT might see dusting to an inch, but once it gets past there it would pretty much dry out for the eastern part of the state.
  20. Lol.... I'm traveling to Florida on the 2nd first thing in the morning and coming back Sunday the 5th. Going to a memorial for my cousin's mom who passed away. Watch us have an epic blizzard when I'm gone
  21. Yes..... Tolland is supposed to be encapsulated in solid ice. People from around the world will visit and be awe struck by the Ice Castles as the town will be covered for months.
  22. Not at this time of the year. We're below freezing in the low Sun angle. You don't get much melting
  23. I'll take mood flakes or even adjusting to an inch on Christmas Eve. But no more than that. We travel down to my sister's in Fairfield which is about an hour away and it's a big deal with my entire family. I don't want it to be ruined by a snowstorm on Christmas Eve ( And trust me, I'm as big of a weenie as most of you on here when it comes to snow )
  24. Man, that sucks for you. Between yesterday afternoon and then late last night into this morning we received another couple inches. So we're probably up around 6ish inches at this point.
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