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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. I do get Ryan's caution. He needs to take all the information before coming to a emotional decision like we are lol But keep going the way they are, then he'll come on board and give his stamp of approval
  2. And what about the idea of the Euro tending to hold back the energy and bury it in the southwest. That was mentioned by Bernie.
  3. So what's your take? This is what you do and see this all the time. Are you more Euro team, or do you think the GFS is on to something? ( Or plead the fifth lol )
  4. I think that's what she tried to say LOL. My thing is, if the Euro turns out to be right and the GFS and the other models are wrong, then I give up.
  5. My guess with this run is that most of Connecticut except far Eastern Connecticut would stay in the Snow zone. But that's just what I'm seeing from where the low is heading. Not sure what it means as far as snowfall totals, at least from this run
  6. I wouldn't absolutely not worry yet. We need the Euro to start coming in line in some way. My Hope is that this will remain a strong signal, but in the end we'll ease up from the warmer solution.
  7. So I thought this video was interesting. Bernie does mention that the Euro has always had trouble burying the energy in the southwest incorrectly. But, he stopped short of saying that the GFS was the correct model. This at least gives hope for the storm this weekend. It's definitely an interesting video to watch
  8. Man... Why do I feel like the Euro today needs to be good, even if it is just an improvement. We pray. Should be seeing something coming in within the hour.
  9. Please don't give it the kiss of Doom..lol But yes, we're on the good side of things
  10. So even though the Canadian didn't have a similar outcome, that one probably doesn't hold as much weight as the GFS? And I get what you're saying, we need to get a little closer to get a definite idea.
  11. We can only hope for the Euro to be in line with the GFS!
  12. I can only imagine what the accumulation map shows for the GFS model. Damn
  13. Wow!!!!! Isn't it funny... Seeing this does completely change the mood. I always say I'm not going to let let what happens in each one affect my emotions, but I have to say, seeing this makes me feel very good. I'm sure I'm not the only one
  14. It's really hard to keep the positive vibes when it comes to getting any kind of snow around these parts. The downer indeed, when you see the map showing something really promising to then just tear it apart. I know there's still more winter left and things can change, but, I think a break is in order
  15. I'm confused. Just because the 12z models that came out are less than favorable, does that mean the storm is done? I mean at this point there's not even a sampling of what's on shore yet, correct?
  16. I know your joking... But nice way to appease him..lol
  17. It's the Icon and it's 7 days out... Need I say more
  18. Lol... I mean.. I think around 48 hours is fine.... At least by that point, if a storm is showing it will be a general hit... Then snow maps are ok, but that's my personal opinion.
  19. I was watching Bernie Rayno and he really likes the storm set up for next weekend. He said all the ingredients are there.
  20. I don't comment as much anymore because I get stomped on. Bunch of complainers here. I need to pull up there big boy pants. It is what it is and something will probably happen. It's just a matter of time and patience
  21. On to February? What happened to the time between the 18th and the end of January lol
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