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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. I love your enthusiasm. But this one is truly a dead deal. If we see a coating, that's about all. One to three. No, two to four. Forget it. If It turns into 2-4, then I guess you'll be king..lol
  2. Yeah.... Disappointed to say the least. What sucks even more is there is nothing showing for the next 10 days. This storm threat is dead for us ... Maybe a coating to an inch Saturday... At best! Truly a let down. But, gotta hope for something before Winter is over.
  3. What a stellar month we have on top fellas! It turned to nothing for us in the Northeast. We have the cold, but no storms. They are all being surpressed to the south. I was just thinking about that Storm Nemo, in February 2013. Now that was a storm.
  4. This threat is over. But, not giving up hope for the rest of the Winter. Of course... There's always next Winter...
  5. I'm just going to go with..... We're getting nothing. That way if we do get something it will feel like a good thing.
  6. Yeah... Letting this one go. To many things falling out of place with every model. Let's move on to the next heartbreak. Lol
  7. I'm really feeling if the Euro comes in too far East, this is a dead deal. I'm hoping that it at least remains the same or comes a little bit to the West. That will keep the hope alive
  8. They still show a lot More of the LP's to the West and Northwest. I think that's a good sign, no?
  9. No, you are right. I'm not curled up in a ball in hysterics ( I mean, if I can get through the dreaded eye rolls now from my 11-year-old daughter, I can get through anything )! Lol Life does go on and we look for the next possibility ( although this isn't a done deal ). For what it's worth, we still may see something smaller from this. Who knows at this point.
  10. Wolfie.... We pray. Seriously... After last night's runs, I felt like a deflated balloon. But I think a lot of us did ( although, there was has been talk of this going back and forth until they have a better idea by today or tomorrow ). So you're right, the 12z run will be an important one
  11. I totally now get what you mean. You guys know I'm always Mr positive. And that too can be a little annoying. Because that's how I'm feeling right now. Annoyed But yes, the venting does help. It's like a damn drug. We need that fix!
  12. Man do I feel your frustration. My love for the Winter weather and especially the Snow has been like this since I was a little kid. As much as I want to just toss this Winter, I can't as it's not nearly over.
  13. Btw guys.. Don't blame tip for opening the thread. I think everyone's just upset that things didn't turn around. If this were about 12 hours ago, none of us would be saying this.
  14. Geez, I feel like this is such a gut punch. I sure hope something good happens to today. This is truly getting tiring with how much of a rollercoaster ride these models bc are. It's almost like they are meant to get our our excitement level through the roof to then just deflate it. It's so hard to even trust and get excited about anything from these models anymore.
  15. So it's over then. Thanks. I will sign off now
  16. There has been talk that between today and tomorrow there will be a bunch of back and forth until things come in line by Wednesday
  17. Is it much further east and weaker?
  18. I'm confused. I thought a few people just said it was like the 12Z? That's not a bad thing?
  19. Hmmm.... Lol Yes... Now let's hope our weenies don't get deflated
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