Here's the thing, maybe you're not wrong, we all see what's going on. The problem with you, is the way you present any of your posts. Do you realize that you do troll. Is there a reason why you prefer to go about posting the way you do? Yes we all can have our own opinions, but it's how you do it that makes other people question or even dismiss what you're saying. Some of your posts do make sense, you're not a dummy. Maybe you can try to be a little bit more constructive in in the conversation we have here. No one's looking for delusional answers, and yes, the pattern is not producing what we all would love to see which is snow. Just stop posting things to make people angry just because. Because that's what you do.
Hopefully you can join the crowd in a Non-Trolling kind of way. I'm sure everybody will be happy to hear what you have to say then