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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. Let's hope you're right!! Next to week could be an active one
  2. Kev... I want to believe you but you haven't been right yet.
  3. Are we still thinking 2"-4" in for Sunday night into Monday for Southern New England?
  4. So the GFS is now coming Northwest. Shocker. As long as it holds, it's okay if it comes a little more Northwest. Haha
  5. ? Wait.. Aren't we talking about next Sunday night/ Monday?
  6. Do you in realize that you've become a jaded troll? Pull it together man.
  7. Does it say 12z? I think it showed it at 6z
  8. Let's see where the Euro lands a bit later.
  9. Lol... Man.. Take a compliment. No explanation is needed. Just thanking you in my in own way.
  10. Ya know I was kidding, right! I appreciate your input ( just took me some time to get used to it ) .... :-)
  11. Not sure I agree with your far interior comment. Not for the Sunday night into Monday timeframe.... If we get this storm, it will be Snow ( at least for CT )
  12. So what you were trying to say wassssss.................
  13. I agree, it did have it but much further back from when the storm was supposed to hit. It lost it at least a week out from the storm, and stayed that way. It was the GFS that had the storm raging about 5 or 6 days before , to then lose it. I get the frustration from everyone. Feels like every time there's a possibility we lose it. Hence the pessimism. Got to keep the hope alive. Why do you think everyone keeps coming back.
  14. I'm kind of liking the fact that the Euro does have the storm staying close to us. It didn't have it at all with the last one and it was right. So I do feel more confident that we'll have something. Now the question is what.
  15. There is a good chance they see more snow. But I don't think we should throw this one off the table. For us. It's not going to be a blockbuster, but I think it could be a decent storm. We didn't have the same support but that last storm. And you had one model the GFS showing a monster. Everyone else basically saying no. The bottles are going to fluctuate the next several days, but I do think we'll be hit with something next Sunday night, Monday time frame
  16. So.... Yeah.. not good, but, unlike the last one.. at least all the models have something. You know as well as everyone else that this is not the final outcome for this storm threat. Keep you rat in it's cage for now.
  17. Please don't. You said that for the last one. You cursed it...lol
  18. But, it does and can. Not saying it is, but, I can't see us getting through next week and not scoring with a storm next Monday. It's a wait and see. It's not a definite, but it's not a no either
  19. Something has to give. It just has to.
  20. Boy... You're always so optimistic. Lol
  21. I was just saying the same thing LOL Or we can call it, Forgiving February Fly February ( for all those from the era of the '80s LOL ) Fu&$ing Fabulous February
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