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Everything posted by Snowcrazed71

  1. Well.. I dont wish I was older than you..lol. I'm definitely not trying to be a nag. I get it man. The good news is.. Here we are in November, and all of this is just an appetizer. I'm more excited about this year than I have been for several. I just feel we have a pretty darn good set up that could give us " That Winter " This year. But, only time will tell man. And PS... I am 47.
  2. Listen man. There is a reason for my post. I'm no youngster.... I've been around the block ( I'm sure many more times than you ). My reasons for my statements are not for my benefit. I dont get angry or sad if we don't get snow, I just love the weather. I have a life, a family, and I consider myself very level headed. However, we all have a responsibility to others on here to not bittercast. You know as well as I do that your statements have zero Merritt. Am I the only one here that feels this way, or, is this the bittercast forum people? Lol
  3. Are you doing this just to be sarcastic? Or, are you just a negative nelly? Dude....seriously?? If you're going to post nonsense... Please don't post at all. Are there any moderators on here?
  4. Where are you getting your info.. Lolol.
  5. People... Haven't we learned that none of these scenarios are a lock? Some people are saying it's gonna be a hugger...others..ice, we're all over the place. Today is Thursday. It is a solid 6 days before the event ( as its very early Thursday morning ). Also, someone else stated that, it is not January, but November ( early November for that matter ). Any Snow we get is what I call, " Bonus Snow ". One thing is for sure, .... Exciting times ahead. We have a very good set up this Winter to bring us all some good ole classic Winter!! Let's breathe, and just look at this as a trial run.
  6. anyone have the 6z? Just curious how it looks as far as the buzz that it starting to trend towards the euro.
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