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Everything posted by ChiTownSnow

  1. Cold air wraps in quicker.. more snow on the cold side. Hopefully that continues
  2. Yeah GRAF.. anyway, rain snow was well south, similar to 00Z GFS . crushed Milwaukee
  3. Skilling showed an IBM GRAF model....wtf is that?
  4. That same scenario didn't really pan out with the last one tho
  5. Adjustments early out west are real tho..
  6. Precip shield looks so odd. Like it's too far N with the front end and disconnected
  7. Was the city/south end of the winter storm watch debated heavily internally? Or was there good agreement?
  8. Timing of both is just not coming together perfectly. PV needs to speed up or system slow down.. but then impact works be a miss. Hard to get it all together
  9. Hopefully it's still underestimating a bit on how quickly the cold air wraps in..
  10. Not sure I can handle another battle of the WAA
  11. Was just thinking that..if the flakes weren't so big, would it look this impressive? And are the larger flakes contributing to the reflective nature on the radar? I guess looking out the window I don't really care...keep ripping
  12. +SN now. Feeling lucky as everybody immediately around me is reporting rain.
  13. I'm riding that line here. Snow rain, snow rain.. moderate snow atm
  14. Pretty good flakes now.. 10 miles south of ORD edit... Aaaannnd rain now
  15. Another incredible run for the 00Z GFS
  16. Need someone smarter than me to tell me why this won't happen
  17. Fwiw...Some pretty big changes on Gfs 00z . Looks more NAMish than even the NAM did
  18. Someone said it earlier.. Gonna be a nowcast scenario due to the potential
  19. Nervous a bit here as well. Sitting at 35 right now
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