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Everything posted by ChiTownSnow

  1. Too soon .. we're not ready to talk about it yet.
  2. Thanks for the reply.. And I hope you know my comment was not meant to be at any certain audience. If anything it's for us arm chair quarterbacks that think we know more than we do when we see model runs that favor our backyard and ride it to the bank. It's hard for us to keep emotions out of it. It's what separates the hobbiest from the professionals. LOT did pretty good job with extremely tough forecast. Appreciate all you guys do and on to the next one!
  3. Nobody kill me..(I know we all have been begging for a GLC). But I miss the guarantee of a clipper. One of those hybrid west to east overperformers with a gulf/Pac connection
  4. I feel like we all need a Lessons learned debrief after this one. What went well, what did not....uggghhh this hobby sux Edit.. or we listen to Chicagostorm when he is "cautiously optimistic"@Chicago Storm
  5. I'm okay with it. We got our 5 in ..maybe one to two more.
  6. Enough to glaze over snowpack to limit drifting
  7. Any read on wind gusts? Seems pretty legit from the east
  8. Looking like 2/3rds of our snow will be this morning
  9. Skilling just mentioned that balloons went up at 6pm so the 00Z runs are first to read. So not sure if that is what led to the colder aloft?
  10. nope.. nope. not doing that. that failed me last time . those blizzard warnings out west make a lot of sense now
  11. Man.. that EPS is a Milwaukee crusher
  12. Hmm.. is that a Blizzard warning that i spy
  13. Can I take the buy out option at 8" and run ?
  14. Got to love Accuweather. https://www.accuweather.com/en/winter-weather/perilous-blizzard-to-thrash-midwest-followed-by-dangerous-flash-freeze/1611131 The storm is on track to deliver 8-12 inches of snow to downtown Chicago, with some neighborhoods possibly facing a scenario in which 12-18 inches may pile up. Blowing and drifting snow on top of that will result in snowdrifts several feet high that can cause vehicles to be stuck on highways.
  15. How much (if at all) does the strength of the wind impact the temps off the lake. I would think stronger winds would actually help our cause then hurt? Seems like last storm that was not much wind which was more of a stagnant steady breeze off the lake and no mixing of air masses.
  16. What.. My number changed. I want my old number back
  17. 00Z guidance has been a huge confidence booster
  18. Lake enhancement gets cranking for MKE. Could see that for a bit early Saturday
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