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Everything posted by ChiTownSnow

  1. Models aside,. What's our hunch on this one now for ORD? Under performance from current forecast? or spot on?
  2. Help me understand how the Low can be so far east and still support this lingering band? Honest question
  3. Always a wild card though..I never count on it happening verbatim
  4. That's the second time you have said that...is it you?
  5. The last page of the thread reminds me of work emails.. Which sux because I come here to get away from those
  6. My fear though is that it just tears apart and weakens rapidly It may sit on top of us but rapidly falls apart
  7. All models seem to be In relative agreement now? With track at least?
  8. Rockford would cash in again on that run When would we expected watches to go up?
  9. I never been a fan of the kuchera method/maps..I know they're supposed to be more accurate, but can't recall a time where there were big differences and it verified over the 10:1
  10. Maybe.. but it's still WSW criteria to get word out . and the amounts can always be upped later as needed. I think it may stand on it's own tho
  11. Does the shearing weaken it, or just stretch it out? Or both I guess
  12. Observation thread? Going with 4-7 in my back yard.. I'll take it and run
  13. Regarding timing. Is the slower solution the reason for the peak out west then the shear? If we had the exact same setup, but quicker system, would we see the peak further east?
  14. Yeah, not sure how I feel about this run.. mixed I guess
  15. What's behind it is starting to look interesting as well
  16. Can stream it on their website.. just have to watch an add first
  17. Thanks for the update. Any discussion on mixing issues near the lake? Or southern sections?
  18. Heard that. He also didn't want to settle on a preferred model.. Waiting for an average of all. He's getting conservative in his old age
  19. But It's satisfying to know we cannot show him
  20. Just yesterday we were all shaming the 18z GFS like it was the red headed stepchild of the GFS family
  21. Clearly he does it for the attention..likes getting under people's skin sadly we all took the bait (me included)
  22. Not sure it's borderline any longer.. there is a clear pattern
  23. I like seeing MKE in the game while other models hint sound. Historically this bodes well for ORD and Lake enhancements set up
  24. So, way too early to be looking at these is what ur saying?
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