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Everything posted by ChiTownSnow

  1. I'm hoping that has some positive impact on the Jan 1st/2nd one
  2. And if we can get lucky and squeeze out a bit of early snow cover, it may go a long way to speed that process up
  3. Just progressively bump things south a few hundred miles over time.
  4. yeah on the low 60's for most. my current forecast (accuweather) has a high of 60 for 12/15 . will probably get bumped a bit from that in the coming days. i do also think we need to get the system on the 10th out of the way first, to see how far north the models have these temps go.
  5. the manipulation was unintentional, you and storm are correct.
  6. Totally agree. but even that is not THAT impressive is my point . i am clearly on my own here though.
  7. not if you just accept the fact that its not that abnormal . but yeah probably
  8. For Chicago: -The total number of 60 deg or warmer December days over 150 years has been 77 - the only December “Day” which has failed to produce a 60 at some point was dec 22nd So more often than not, we get a 60 degree day in December.
  9. https://www.facebook.com/TomSkilling Skilling already posted the stats on the Facebook page regarding 60s in December for Chicago.. again not that impressive as you would think..
  10. And I'll show you where you can put those stats..haha
  11. Remember when this is still 174 out :).. but yeah agree it's been pretty consistent. The models backed off a bit sub 100 hours out on the warm up for the 10th. It'll be warm for sure but maybe it'll also back off a bit before then.
  12. I guess.. have fun drowning your sorrows in your lack of snow for December 7th. I'll go enjoy the rest of the season
  13. We can go back and forth if you want, but this stat is really not all that impressive or even that abnormal in the bigger picture for December 7th. It's like a batting average in the first 10 games of season. nor should it be used as an indication of how well the upcoming season will pan our.. but go ahead and start counting the minutes and seconds as well I guess
  14. It sounds like that's exactly what the argument is. Some are making it seem like this is the worst December ever, this December is so terrible, and It never snows in December anymore..etc But yes, I won't and shouldn't argue a statistic, it is getting very late for measurable snow. But the statistic is not all that impressive to me I guess. People maybe using that statistic to indicate such a terrible start to the year
  15. And I'm sure there are 10 more years of 1.1-2 inches this far. Big deal. You can find a statistic to support a view.
  16. If the 240 verifies then I agree that would suck. But it hasn't yet, and what we've seen thus far isn't that bad
  17. I'm not arguing against any of that. I'm saying what we have actually seen thus far is not that abnormal
  18. Agreed I've been following these forums for 4 or 5 years now and when I first started following, everybody was tracking the big dogs and hyping each model run as if it was God. Then it switched to not trusting the models at all, and now its kind of all over the place.. just an observation
  19. I think it means we're taking the calendar and time of year into consideration
  20. Some of us are looking at what's happening now and not constantly 10 days out. Right now seems pretty normal
  21. Assuming it verifies, i'm ok with 2 days of 50s with cold shots on both sides. I'd rather have that than the opposite
  22. We've hit a low when we are posting barely ice pictures
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