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Everything posted by ChiTownSnow

  1. Agreed. I don't want any funny business, and then have to hope it verifies. But at the same time , if it sits there and maybe takes another lap around I'm cool with that.
  2. RC said they were going to hit it hard. I probably would have waited 45 more minutes for the GFS though. If you take the amount of snow out of out of the equation, it makes more sense
  3. "It's gonna wobble around for another day or so" blah blah blah" Haha, I'm just messing. I appreciate their insights too.
  4. Wasn't GHD 2 showing a similar setup 4- 5 days out? but ultimately turned more of a west to east trajectory?
  5. Agreed. The risk here is that it doesn't bomb out until it's north east of here, giving upper Michigan the huge hit. But either way it's looking like a white Christmas and will be fun to watch
  6. Yes.. This is why applaud LOT's verbiage and deemphasizing amounts at this point.
  7. Also weaker (thus far) Edit -. Not by much as it really wraps up
  8. I will also add that the specific verbiage used now holds more weight, as over the last few years LOT has used their words very responsibly and carefully.
  9. So look for the late Tuesday or Wednesday time frame. Given holiday maybe more late Tuesday? Assuming current guidance continues
  10. Question.. given that it is around the holidays, when do you think winter storm watches would be hoisted? I would assume giving the situation, a bit earlier than normal?
  11. Although track wise GFS has caved a bit to other models, this is NOT the same storm the EURO had a few runs ago. Just need to level set a bit
  12. The end of the NAM run looks interesting for early next week.. But it's also the end of the NAM run
  13. Per GFS, the 20th is looking more and more interesting
  14. Nice consolation prize snow showers going on imby
  15. Let's also see what happens with the 19th-20th . Once that becomes clearer may help sort everything out
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