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Everything posted by Inthepines

  1. Wheres BAM? IS the GEFS correcting warm by .23 degrees on day 16 still?
  2. Love the summers up that way. Lived in Mace for a summer and honestly i don’t think we hit 80 that summer and it was brutal in DC (2012). Got lost hiking one day near Spruce/Cheat Bridge in a massive storm and ended up bushwhacking through the wilderness (at night) 18-20 miles back to Mace.
  3. I’m a PG County teacher and we were given distance learning plans for 6 weeks (we start today). Our union has told us to prepare to be out of our physical buildings for the rest of the year. DC schools are out until at least May 15th at this point. With the state board of education cutting our year short to June 9th and axing final and state exams I’m not sure how much the kids would get from being back in school for two weeks.
  4. Guess we’ll be evacuating during a shelter in place order.
  5. We ended up with about 5.5-6 inches in Canaan. Interestingly though, it’s still snowing with about a mile of visibility and has been all morning.
  6. About 4.5 inches in Canaan Valley with snow/blowing snow. Really picked up in the last hour or so.
  7. There was a massive ice storm in January but other then that yeah
  8. March/April 1990 was relatively snowy with 10.4 inches at Dulles.
  9. Ahh gotcha, used to live down in Asheville and remember your posts. For some reason thought you were in Danville. Even up there, you seem to be overperforming the NAMs expectations.
  10. For those who aren't familiar, Buddy lives in Danville near the NC line roughly 40 miles south of the 'cutoff' on the NAM. Rates will be key.
  11. 06z Euro looks good for 2-4 dc-baltimore north.
  12. Neither are likely to be right but the accumulated snowfall map has proven to be not such a useful tool in the past.
  13. It snows at deep creek in august Snowed two inches on May 13th when I used to live in snowshoe. Another two inches September 30th of the following year.
  14. 12/82 was the "snowjam" event I believe. Dec. 1960 was a good month also.
  15. Serious storm here in Brookland. Def worst of the year with gusts that had to be approaching 60 mph.
  16. The Rock creek Parkway has 2-3 feet of water on it in places. Shocked a FFW hasn’t been issued.
  17. Keep it away!! The Bay is just starting to recover from the insane amount of rain we had this past year. The rain has been terrible for the bay.
  18. 31, light freezing drizzle right now. 5.5 inches earlier here in Cloverly
  19. Based on what I’m seeing and hearing you should see a flake or two momentarily out in Prince William.
  20. Makes my job as a high school history teacher look like a breeze. A lot of awesome snow (and stories though). Hopefully we can will an inch tom
  21. Reminding me of my year and a half as a social worker on the Allegheny front of West va
  22. Yeah, Asheville is tough because of it’s location deep in the French Broad River valley surrounded by mountain. But the whole area is much warmer than forecast.
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