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Everything posted by LeesburgWx

  1. Just caught up. Radar is glowing and models showing wreckage. It’s cold AF out and snow is pushing in. LFG!
  2. No complaints. If my bottom worst case is 6-8”, where do I sign?
  3. It’s actually going to happen! The snow is coming - goal is hitting double digits. I like where the models are setting up now. 8-12” still a solid bet for most in the NOVA/DC area
  4. Woke up for a quick check and now trying to go back to sleep will be hard. Euro, HRRR, NAM are straight beat downs. We got HRRR’d and currently being NAM’d. I’m pushing all the chips in. It’s game time!
  5. Obvisouly, as PSU just posted, the divergence is 18 hours from now - but how good is the HRRR 35+ hours out? It is a beat down
  6. Gorgeous! 8-12” still looking solid
  7. You would think this is 2002 with these model swings. Crazy they are wavering so much being so close in now
  8. Honestly, I’d rather had a couple hours sleet and back to heavy snow than have this thing shift south like the Ukie
  9. HRRR is just beautiful. 8-12 inches region wide. #BeatDown
  10. The ICON was created for the sole purpose to hold us weenies off and have something to look at until the varsity models come out
  11. How is the UKMET still so far south. It’s crazy the spread right now that we are seeing. If DC jacks or gets close to it, the Ukie belongs in the Cras canp
  12. This is a textbook Miller A. Only 8 days away? 965 mb off NJ
  13. In not mentally prepared for another week of this. Wow, what a turn of events! What is the timing of this again?
  14. 100% - it is cold AF this morning with the wind too. Ground already white from yesterday. Not going to see green grass for a while now. Snow on snow coming and it’s going to stick around.
  15. We are back! Feeling real good now for 8-12”
  16. GFS blended with GEM and it’s a beaut - 8-12” would be amazing with the upcoming cold. Get used to white ground!
  17. This is really a 6-12” storm. With the fluctuations in models, this range is legitimately the best bet.
  18. Rocking 32 degrees and winds 15-20+ right now. Feels and looks like winter with the entire ground coated in white. Great night to be outside for a bit
  19. I want to go outside so bad. Damn work calls
  20. It's a legit winter wonderland now. What a surprise. Really was expecting just snow tv today
  21. Cold now outside too. Will this stay on the ground until Sunday night's snow? I think it might
  22. Oh my. Wow, and it's snowing outside on a white ground as I type. NAM'ed. Officially
  23. Another band about to roll through! Sky getting dark to the west
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